Not winning every game in Words With Friends? Don’t worry, we get it – sometimes, even with the use of word-grabber’s amazing Words With Friends Cheat, playing the game can prove more difficult than first impressions might imply. So if you are stuck and just not finding the right strategy that suits you, look no further than this list of tips on how to win every game in Words With Friends. Some points are more difficult than others, so it all depends on your experience level. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect and you will be using the more advanced strategies in no time.
Hook in a Win
Hooks are tantamount to winning at Words With Friends, the bread and butter of points if you will. If you don’t already know, hooks are words that can be expanded upon with one or more letters to make whole new words. S, ED, and other suffixes are obvious choices, but there is much more to world of hooks. For example, NAKED can become SNAKED or WADDLE can become SWADDLE. It’s all about building words on top of words and to begin your journey, you’ll need to take the next item on this list in hand.
Two- and Three-Letter Words
Two- and three-letters words are the bare bones of hooks. You might begin a hook by memorizing which two- and three-letter words can be built upon, and not just the simple ones that add an S. In fact, word-grabber has a very handy Two and Three Letter Word Hook list to help you learn. Organized for the ease of use, you will find the original two- or three-letter word in the middle and possible letters you can add on either side. If on the left, the letters can be added to the beginning of the word and on the right, they can be added to the end of the original word.
Plan Moves Ahead
Like many classic games, planning a few moves ahead will greatly increase your chances of winning Words With Friends. Though it might seem like you can only plan one move ahead, as where you place your word can often depend on where your opponent places theirs, this is untrue.
Where your opponent places their word and what letters they offer are certainly an opportunity in the making, but it is not something you can guess (unless you accomplished number 8 on this list). As such, you must work with what you have. Make openings for yourself that you know you can use with the letters you have and the ones you are most likely to acquire.

Play Towards the Center of the Board
While you are planning future moves, it is important to remember you are not the only one playing. Playing towards the center of the board, rather than towards to the TW scores, ensures that the game will not end too early and there will always be a place for both of you to play a word longer than two letters. Up to a certain point in the game, of course.
Parallel Plays
Playing towards the center of the board also means more parallel plays than perpendicular. Not that the latter does not have a time and place, but parallel plays also increase the amount of points you can earn in a single turn. Not only will you get points for the 2- to 3-letter words you make, but if you made a hook you will get points for two additional words. Regardless of how short the word you play is, or how much each letter is worth, parallel plays can decide a game in very little time.
Small Beginnings
I know your first instinct is to use all seven letters and get the bonus points on your first play, but it is simply unlikely that you will be able to this in the first place. As such, take advantage of your position and play a word that will cripple your opponent. If you play something short, it will be more difficult for your opponent to make a parallel play or a hook. More than likely, you will have forced them to make a perpendicular play instead, which opens up nearly the entire board for you to place your own word however you see fit.
Swap Tiles Like a Pro
Swapping tiles may not seem like the best idea, as it forces you to lose a turn, but I am here to assure you it is probably the best you can do for yourself and your opponent. Do not sit there with three Es, praying that PEEVES will come to save you. Unless you are an advanced player who has memorized lists and lists of unusual words, swap those tiles out for a set you are more comfortable with.
That said, do not swap tiles until you are sure you want to swap at least three. Anything less than that and swapping isn’t worth it. The more exchange, the better chances you have of getting a better set in return – though dumping your entire rack skews the odds out of your favor. So be cautious, but don’t be afraid to hit the swap tile button. It’s there to support you.

Don’t Hand Out Openings to Your Opponent
Alright, so you’re playing toward the center of the board, parallel plays are coming relatively easily, but you’re still behind by a good 20 points. Well, perhaps it is time to stop playing fair. Try to place your words where it will be difficult for your opponent to play hooks on them. This might mean the edge of the board itself, long parallel plays in crowded areas, or taking advantage of any special tiles you were saving for the end of the game. Doing so will force your opponent to create opening for you instead (unless they catch on of course) and you can catch up in no time.
Double Openings
One of the methods for controlling what your opponent will do, is to make a double opening. Double openings are plays that open two major hot spots at one time. This usually means a perpendicular play with one or two special tiles within easy reach. A double opening will allow your opponent to grab one opening while you to grab the other. While this is usually a net negative (since your opponent gets first dibs), this is a strong play when losing, especially if you have high point tiles in your rack.
title – screenshot with letters by
picture 1 – in game situation via screenshot by
picture 2 – screenshot of WWF by