Word games are often designed to challenge your ability of language and serve an educational and entertaining purpose. That mixture of concentrated learning and creative puzzling casts a spell over many people. Based on that great demand you can find and play word games nearly everywhere. Not only on your mobile device, the internet or as a classic bard game for family evenings, but also in your daily newspaper. One famous newspaper word game is the word polygon puzzle.
Word Polygon Puzzle Definition
A word polygon is a word puzzle consisting of nine or less letters. The term polygon describes the shape in which all letters are arranged. It is a figure, especially a closed plane figure that has three or more, usually straight, sides. Most commonly used is a grid of nine squares. Another possibility is an octagon, an eight-sided figure, a septagon, a seven-sided figure or a hexagon, a six-sided figure, each with an additional letter in the center of the the figure.
Word Polygon Puzzle Rules
The aim of a word polygon puzzle is to create as many words as possible out of the given nine or less letters. Often, one of these letters is a mandatory inclusion. In most cases the letter in the center.
A word a player creates usually should not be less than 3 or 4 letters of length. Additionally, each letter may only be used once in each word. However, in most cases there is a word that can be formed out of all letters using all available letters once. Sometimes there are restrictions which words are allowed to create: no plurals ending in S, no foreign words, no words with initial capital, no hyphenated words. Each word polygon puzzle comes with a guide that allows you to judge your word polygon skills. Depending on how many words you got there are the rating categories: good, very good and excellent.
Famous publishers of word polygon puzzles are the Australian The Advertiser or The Times. The Advertiser produces a puzzle called target. Whereas The Times word polygon puzzle is called polygon. The number of letters in the puzzle varies over the course of the week from between 7 and 9 with corresponding changes to the minimum word length. Another possibility to play a word polygon puzzle is to play it online on WordCube.

Word Polygon Puzzle Solver
For meticulous word polygon puzzle solver word-grabber.com offers the opportunity to check the correctness of words that already have been found. But you can also check which words you did not think of and missed in your solution list. Just use our word-grabber and type in the given letters of your word polygon puzzle. You will get a list of all possible words that can be created out of these letters. Make sure you only use the solver as a help after you did your best in finding all possible words by yourself. This is to ensure that you train your ability of language use and to remain the educational and entertaining purpose of that word game.
Hello….I’m writing because I’m looking for someone to tell my that my eleven year son, who has never shown an over interest in words, has taken to doing The Times interactive Polygon puzzle. While his mother and I struggle some days to achieve Good, and occasionally Very Good over the course of several hours, our son is completing these puzzles in five minutes! This morning (Sept 2nd) he did it in five minutes and ten seconds…yesterday in five minutes and eleven seconds, and one of the archive puzzles in two minutes! Many of the words he has never heard before but his brain is obviously using some technique similar to kids who can very quickly solve Rubic Cube puzzles. Is this normal for kids his age and what should we do about it to? We’re just lost to know why, and how, this is happening. He’s a bright kid but this has shocked us. Any feed back would be welcome….Best, Dermot (McMahon)
Dear Dermot,
we are not the creator of the Polygon puzzle in the Times. We just love Wordgames like Crosswords and Scrabble and other wordgames and write here about it. But as a mother of four kids (three boys, one girl) can I say that solving such puzzles in little time for an eleven old boy is very good. It shows his logical thinking I guess. But it is not shocking. I think I would ask my child how he/she does it and if he/she wants other riddles for solving. Maybe he has a pictoral memory and can rotate the letters in his mind? But that is just a guess. I would just only support him, you know?!
Greetings from the editorial office