"Peace " : 18 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
"Peace ___" | SOLONG | 6 |
"Peace ___" | ONEARTH | 7 |
"Peace ___" | SERENITY | 8 |
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Similar hints
___ Accord (1998 Mideast peace agreement) ___ Accord (1998 Mideast peace pact) ___ Accord (1998 peace agreement) ___ Accords (1993 peace agreement) ___ Accords (1998 peace agreement) ___ branch (peace emblem) ___ branch (peace offering) ___ Cassin, Nobelist for Peace: 1968 ___ peace accord (1998 agreement) ___ Peace Prize ___ Peace Prize (award discontinued in 1990) ___ Root, Nobelist for Peace: 1912 ___ World Peace (Ron Artest's newly-proposed name) _____ Ducommun, 1902 Peace Nobelist !995 Canadian peace keeping locale ... the one for Peace by this "Thomas and Beulah" poet, ... ''Peace out'' '65 Peace Prize recipient '70s Peace Prize decliner '80s Peace Nobelist '84 Peace Nobelist '86 Peace Nobelist '94 Peace co-Nobelist Shimon 'Peace on earth, good will ___' 'Peace Train' singer 'Peace Train' singer Stevens 'Peace Train' singer, in Rangoon? 'War and Peace' author 'War and Peace' novelist "___ in peace ..." 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": Matt. 10:34 "Imagine Peace" artist/activist "Imagine Peace" campaigner "In His will is our peace" writer "Live Peace in Toronto 1969" performer "Live Peace in Toronto 1969" singer "Night" writer awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "Peace ___ time" "Peace ___ time" (Neville Chamberlain quote) "Peace ___ time": Chamberlain "Peace ____ hand" "Peace and Plenty" painter "Peace at any price," e.g. "Peace be with you" and others "Peace begins with a ___": Mother Teresa "Peace on earth ___ . . . " "Peace on earth," e.g. "Peace Train" singer Cat "Peace, Bread and Land" movement "Peace, Holmes" "Peace, peace is what ___" (Matthew Arnold) "Peace," in Russian "Peace" capital of S.A. "Peace" salutation "Peaceful __ Feeling" (Eagles song) "Peaceful Easy Feeling" band "Peaceful Warrior" actor "Peaceful, the World ___ Me Down" "Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down" ___ and the Whale "Peaceful" Indian "Perpetual Peace" philosopher "Perpetual Peace" thinker "Perpetual Peace" writer "Rest in peace," e.g. "The Complaint of Peace" essayist, 1521 "There ___ peace . . . ": Isa. 48:22 "Waging Peace" author's initials "War and Peace," e.g. "War and Peace" and others "War and Peace" backdrop "War and Peace" character "War and Peace" director King ___ "War and Peace" has a lot of them: Abbr. "War and Peace" heroine "War and Peace" orphan "War and Peace" writer "Your ___ only peace-maker . . . " "Your ___ the only peacemaker": Shak. *Peaceful hand gesture 1912 Peace Nobelist Root 1912 Peace Nobelist 1913 Nobel Peace Prize winner ___ La Fontaine 1919 Peace Prize winner 1920 peace conference site 1925 Nobel Peace Prize winner 1927 Peace Nobelist Ludwig 1945 Peace Nobelist 1946 Nobel Peace Prize winner John 1948 Peace Prize nominee 1949 Nobel Peace Prize winner John Boyd ___ 1949 Nobel Peace Prize winner 1949 Nobel Peace Prize winner John ___ Orr 1949 Peace Nobelist John ___ Orr 1949 Peace Prize winner Lord John Boyd ___ 1949 peace Nobelist and family 1949 peace org. 1950 Peace Prize winner 1956-67 peacekeeping mission 1958 peacekeeping mission 1961 Peace Prize winner 1962 Peace Nobelist 1964-74 peacekeeping mission 1964 Canadian peace keeping locale 1965 Nobel Peace Prize recipient 1965 Nobel Peace Prize winner 1965 Peace Prize recipient 1968 Nobel Peace Prize winner Cassin 1968 Peace Nobelist Cassin 1969 Nobel Peace Prize winner (Abbr.) 1969 Peace Prize agcy. 1969 Peace Prize-winning agcy. 1969 Nobel Peace Prize gp. 1969 Peace Prize gp. 1969 Nobel Peace Prize grp. 1969 Peace Prize grp. 1970s peace anthem 1971 Nobel peace prize winner 1971 Peace Nobelist Willy 1971 Peace Nobelist 1971 Peace Nobelist from Germany 1971 Nobel peace prize winner - Willy 1973 Nobel Peace Prize winner 1973 Peace Nobelist 1973 Nobel Peace Prize decliner Le Duc ___ 1974 Peace Nobelist from Japan 1974 Peace Prize recipient 1974 Canadian peace keeping locale 1974 Peace Nobelist Eisaku ___ 1974 Peace Nobelist 1976 Peace Prize winner 1978 Nobel Peace Prize recipient 1978 Nobel Peace Prize cowinner 1978 Peace Prize recipient 1978 Egyptian Peace Nobelist 1978 Peace co-Nobelist 1978 Peace Nobelist 1978 Nobel Peace Prize co-winner 1978 Nobel Peace prize winner 1978 Peace Prize winner 1978 Peace Prize co-winner 1979 peace treaty cosigner 1979 Nobel Peace Prize recipient 1979 peacekeeping missionj 1979 peace treaty country 1979 Peace Nobelist 1983 Peace Nobelist 1983 Peace Nobelist Walesa 1983 Peace Nobelist Lech 1984 Peace Prize recipient 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner 1984 Peace Nobelist 1984 South African Peace Nobelist 1986 peace prize winner 1986 Nobel Peace Prize winner 1986 Canadian peace keeping locale 1986 Peace Nobelist Wiesel 1987 Nobel Peace Prize recipient 1989 Peace Prize winner 1989 Nobel Peace Prize winner 1989 Peace Nobelist 1989 Nobel Peace Prize awardee 1989 Peace Prize recipient 1990s UN peacekeeping locale 1990s peacekeeping site 1992 peacekeeping mission 1993 Nobel peace prize winner 1993 Nobel Peace Prize sharer de ___ 1993 Peace Prizewinner 1993 Peace Nobelist 1993 peace accords city 1993 Peace co-Nobelist 1993 Peace Prize co-winner 1993 Peace Prize sharer 1993 Peace Nobelist Nelson 1993 peace accord city 1994 Peace Prize winner 1994 Canadian peace-keeping locale
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