"That !" : 9 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
"That ___!" | ONE | 3 |
"___ that!" | TAKE | 4 |
"That ___!" | ASIF | 4 |
"That ___!" | LEST | 4 |
"___ that!" | ROGER | 5 |
"That ___!" | DOESIT | 6 |
"___ that!" | IMAGINE | 7 |
"That ___!" | TICKLES | 7 |
"That ___!" | SHESALLFOLLOWER | 15 |
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Similar hints
__ Farms (Brooklyn dairy that introduced the milk bottle) __ Island Red (chicken that lays brown eggs) ___ acid (substance that turns turmeric paper reddish-brown) ___ Beer Night (1974 baseball promotion that ended in a riot) ___ Buena (town that later became San Francisco) ___ Buena, town that became San Francisco ___ Burger, veggie brand that originated in Florida ___ citato (Latin phrase that's often abbreviated in footnotes) ___ D-Lite (gross frozen dessert place that appeared on "Sex and the City") ___ Dark Materials (Philip Pullman trilogy that includes "The Golden Compass") ___ Entertainment (company that markets the Bratz doll line) ___ From Last Night (website that collects regrettable messages) ___ gland (organ that secretes melatonin) ___ high (about that tall) ___ Institute, org. that makes use of the Allen Telescope Array ___ It Leaked? (website to check if that upcoming record is on torrents) ___ Laboratories, company that introduced Tylenol ___ legomenon (word that appears just once in a given corpus) ___ legomenon (word that appears only once in a manuscript) ___ many (that last drink) ___ meson (particle that is its own antiparticle) ___ Mountains (range that separates Europe and Asia) ___ Mr. T (plant that grows in the shape of a mohawk) ___ Mulan (Chinese legend that a Disney film was based on) ___ Na Na (group that preceded Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock) ___ of August (1st of that month) ___ Press, classic Venetian printer that introduced italics ___ Roses (band that returned with a 2008 album) ___ system, part of the brain that regulates emotion, behavior and long-term memory ___ that be ___ that be: authorities ___ Theory (hypothesis that modern humans came from a single area) ___ words (that is to say) ____ casa: that house ___-dire (that is to say) ___-guzzler (car that gets poor mileage) ___-McGee, energy company that employed Karen Silkwood ___, Inc. (company that sells demotivational posters) ... "Without a ___, that's a gem of a deal!" ...and this sleeveless separate that's a gas... ... that's an ambulance, in slang ... that guy who works at Jiffy Lube was ___ ... that requires this ... that guy with strabismus was ___ ... a singing group that meets for bacon and eggs? ... that's a source of easy money ... though no one could deny that he had a ___ ... that a rube might fall off ... that makes you do this ... that ... '___ Funny That Way' '___ remind you that ...?' '___ that hard to believe!' '___ that nice?' '___ that possible?!' '___ that time' '___ wait' ('The issue isn't that urgent') '-- All That' (1999 film) ''__ are the times that . . .'' ''__ are the times that try men's souls'' ''__ that!'' (eavesdropper's remark) ''___ been that long?'' ''___ can play that game'' ''___ do that?'' (Steve Urkel's question) ''Am __ understand that . . .'' ''Can you say that again?'' ''Cherish those hearts that ___ thee'' (Shakespeare) ''Don't __!'' (''That's what you think!'') ''Fool that I was'' poet John ''Gee, that's swell!'' ''He was a bold man that first ___ oyster'' (Swift) ''How ___ is that doggie in the window?'' ''I don't like that at all!'' ''I'll do that for you!'' ''If that fails . . . '' ''Is that a __?'' ''Let me rephrase that . . .'' ''Like that would happen!'' ''Like that'll ever happen'' ''Looks that way'' ''Pet'' that holds a plant ''Pet'' that needs plenty of water ''Pet'' that's a plant ''That __ it!'' (''Enough!'') ''That __ yesterday!'' ''That awful cad!'' ''That clears it up'' ''That is ___ option!'' ''That looks tasty!'' ''That won't be a problem!'' ''That'll Be the Day'' singer ''That's ___ your head!'' ''That's a ___!'' (director's shout) ''That's a new one ___!'' ''That's a snap!'' ''That's all folks!'' sayer ''That's all right'' ''That's clear to me'' ''That's enough!'' ''That's good news!'' ''That's impossible!'' ''That's impressive!'' ''That's just awful!'' ''That's just the ___ the iceberg'' ''That's marvelous!'' ''That's not so!'' ''That's not true!'' is one ''That's nothing,'' e.g. ''That's one small ___ for ...'' ''That's really the truth!'' ''That's so funny!'' ''That's super!'' ''That's understood'' ''That's What Friends Are For'' voice ''That's what I think,'' in e-mail ''That's-hooey!'' link ''The color that my baby wore,'' in a Beatles tune ''The Evil That ___'' (Bronson flick) ''The one that got away'' and others ''What's that I hear?'' ''Who __ that masked man?'' '03 STP song "All in the ___ That You Wear" '06 De Rosa album that will fix you up? '10 Soulfly album that foreshadows? '30s dance that was all the rage '30s show tune that became a 1960 Dion and the Belmonts hit '40s gp. that trained at Congressional Country Club '40s-'50s paranoia that led to blacklisting '50s cars that might have been called Pastelograms or Utopian Turtletops '60s campus org. that protested the Vietnam War '60s hit that ends "an island never cries" '70s classic that begins "Young man, there's no need to feel down" '70s group that included a string trio '70s record label that advertised on late night TV '70s rock band that used cellos '80s org. that included the N.J. Generals '80s Scots that wanted victory? '80s TV drama that starred Dennis Farina '80s-'90s "Did I do that?" TV nerd '82 film that influenced "Toy Story" '90s NYC indie band that hopefully some of you still remember 'Ain't that the truth!' 'All That Jazz' director 'And that's the way it is' newscaster 'Assuming that's true ...' 'Blessed ___ that ...' 'Boy, is that right!' 'Do that one would rarely wear a hat with 'Everyone experiences that, right?' 'Hey! That hurts!' 'House That Jack Built' critter 'How could that be?' 'I can't make that decision' 'I declare it, that's who!' 'I did that perfectly!' 'I don't find that amusing' 'I'll take that bet!' 'I'm tellin' ya, that's who!' 'In case that's true ...' 'In that area' 'Is that ___?' ('Oh, really?') 'Isn't that pretty!' 'It's Like That' rappers 'Let's avoid that topic!' 'Like that'll happen!' 'May I do that for you?' 'N'est ce ___?' ('Isn't that so?') 'No Place That Far' singer 'No way that's true!' 'Not as simple as all that!,' in Salt Lake City? 'Oh well, that's what you're stuck with!' 'Oh, so that's it' 'Oh, that explains it!' 'Repeat that, please' 'Sea' that's really a lake 'So that's it, eh?' 'So that's your game, eh?' 'Start that job now!' 'Th-th-th-that's all, folks!' speaker 'Th-th-that's all, folks!' speaker 'That ___ I ask' 'That ___ say ...' 'That '70s Show' character 'That '70s Show' role 'That Girl' star 'That isn't fair, your honor!' 'That just shouldn't happen!' 'That makes two ___!' 'That Night ___' (1941 film) 'That Night ___' (1941 musical comedy) 'That no longer bugs me' 'That pleases me' 'That Scrambled Word Game' 'That sounds about right' 'That tastes awful!' 'That was close!' 'That would be great!' 'That's ___, officer!' 'That's 19-Across!' 'That's a complicated question'
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