" Secretary" : 5 answers – Crossword-Clue
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"___ Secretary" | MADAM | 5 |
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___ Carpenter, Lady Bird's secretary ___ Culp Hobby, first Secretary of H.E.W. ___ Culp Hobby, first secretary of the Department of Health ___ Friday (secretary) ___ Perino, George W. Bush's last press secretary ___ Perino, George W. Bush's last White House press secretary ___ secretary ___ Street, Perry Mason's secretary ... and the sloppy secretary pool was ___ ... Reagan's first interior secretary '___ Secretary' (Albright book) '50s agriculture secretary ___ Taft Benson '60s Defense secretary '60s Secretary of Agriculture Freeman '60s Secretary of State '60s Secretary of State Dean ___ '60s United Nations secretary general '70s defense secretary '70s defense secretary Melvin '90s Transportation Secretary '90s U.N. secretary-general Boutros-__ '90s UN secretary-general Boutros-___ "___ Secretary," Madeleine Albright's 2003 autobiography "___ Secretary" "___ Secretary" (Madeleine Albright's memoir) "Baby-Sitters Club" secretary Mary Anne ___ "Head Secretary"? [William Golding] "Secretary" star James "The Italian Secretary" author Caleb "The Producers "secretary 30's Interior Secretary 40 Across was his Secretary of Agriculture 60's Defense Secretary 60's Secretary of the Interior 1905 Secretary of State 1960s UN Secretary General 1960s secretary of state 1960's Interior Secretary Stewart 1960s Secretary of State Dean 1960s State Secretary Dean 1960s secretary of state Dean 1970s secretary of defense 1970's HUD secretary Hills and namesakes 1970s White House press secretary Ron 1980s Secretary of State Alexander 1980's Defense secretary Weinberger 1980-81 secretary of state 1980s defense secretary Weinberger 1990s white house press secretary 1990s White House press secretary Myers 1990s Secretary of Labor Robert 1990s White House Press Secretary Myers 1990's transportation secretary 1990s Secretary of Defense Aspin 2001-06 secretary of transportation 2011-13 secretary of defense A Jackson Secretary of War A secretary might take it A Secretary of State for F.D.R. Abbr. on a secretary's job application Accessories for a secretary Agriculture Secretary Mike Albright -- Albright, Secretary of State Alexander ___, Reagan's first secretary of state Alexander ___, secretary of state under Reagan Ann of "Private Secretary" Asset of the Secretary of State Author who was once Claudia Johnson's press secretary Barack Obama's secretary of homeland security Bill Clinton's Interior Secretary Birthplace of Trygvie Lie, the U.N.'s first Secretary-General Bobby Ray who withdrew a Secretary of Defense bid under Clinton British foreign secretary during the Suez crisis Brush-off from a fading starlet's secretary? Brush-off from a gardener's secretary? Brush-off from a liberal's secretary? Brush-off from a publisher's secretary? Brush-off from a struggling chess master's secretary? Brush-off from the carpenter's secretary? Buchanan's secretary of state Bush education secretary Rod Bush HUD Secretary Bush Labor Secretary Elaine Bush press secretary Perino Bush Secretary of Labor Chao Bush Secretary of Labor Elaine Bush Sr.'s HUD secretary Bush transportation secretary who resigned in 2006 Bush Treasury secretary Bush White House press secretary Bush's defense secretary Bush's labor secretary Bush's Secretary of Labor Bush's secretary of labor Elaine Cabinet secretary, for example? Carney's predecessor as White House press secretary Cartel led by a secretary general Carter Secretary of State Carter's first secretary of state Carter's second secretary of state Carter's Secretary of State Carter's Secretary of State Cyrus Certain secretary Chamberlain foreign secretary Cicero's secretary Cicero's servant and secretary City named for a British home secretary Civil War Secretary of State Cleveland Secretary of State Richard _____ Cleveland's Secretary of State Clinton Commerce Secretary Mickey Clinton defense secretary Clinton Defense Secretary Aspin Clinton defense secretary William Clinton labor secretary Clinton Labor secretary Robert Clinton press secretary Dee Dee Clinton press secretary Myers Clinton secretary Betty Clinton secretary of defense Clinton transportation secretary Clinton transportation secretary Federico Clinton Treasury secretary Clinton's first labor secretary Clinton's first secretary of labor Clinton's first transportation secretary Clinton's Labor secretary Clinton's secretary of defense Clinton's secretary of health and human services Clinton's Secretary of Labor Robert Clinton's transportation secretary Club-secretary's reading Col. Klink's secretary Comedienne who played a secretary in "9 to 5" Commerce secretary before Mineta Commerce Secretary Don Commerce Secretary Evans Creator of the secretary Della Defense secretary Defense secretary after Gates Defense Secretary Aspin Defense secretary before Richardson Defense secretary Chuck Defense secretary Panetta Defense Secretary Panetta Defense secretary under Nixon Detective aided by his secretary DHS Secretary Napolitano Does a secretary's job Dubya's secretary of state Early 80's Secretary of State Alexander Early War Secretary and family Education Secretary Duncan Eisenhower's Agriculture Secretary ___ Taft Benson Elaine ___, George W. Bush's only labor secretary Energy secretary under Clinton Erstwhile Secretary of Health and Human Services European nation troubles late Defense Secretary Ex-Defense Secretary William Ex-Secretary Federico Ex-secretary of state George Ex-Secretary of the Interior Ex-Secretary of the Treasury Ex-Secretary Stewart Ex-Transportation Secretary Federico Ex-Treasury Secretary Bentsen Ex-UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-___ Ex-UN Secretary-General U ___ F.D R.'s Secretary of the Interior F.D.R.'s Interior secretary F.D.R.'s Interior Secretary F.D.R.'s secretary et al. FDR Interior Secretary FDR's Interior Secretary FDR's Interior Secretary Harold Fictional legal secretary First African-American secretary of state First female Secretary of the Interior (2001-06) First H.E.W. Secretary ___ Culp Hobby First Secretary General of the U.N. First secretary of H.E.W., 1953, ___ Culp Hobby First secretary of homeland security First secretary of Homeland Security First Secretary of Transportation First secretary of war First Secretary of War First Treasury secretary First U.N. secretary general First U.N. Secretary General First U.S. secretary of war (for whom a fort was named) First UN secretary-general Ford's press secretary Foreign Secretary under Churchill Former Agriculture Secretary Former British Foreign Secretary Douglas Former Clinton press secretary Former Defense Secretary Former defense secretary Aspin Former Defense secretary Panetta Former Defense Secretary Weinberger
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