About : 13 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
____ about | ONOR | 4 |
About | ASTO | 4 |
About | ERNI | 4 |
About | INRE | 4 |
About | NEAR | 4 |
About | ORSO | 4 |
About | SOME | 4 |
About | WGGY | 4 |
About | ANENT | 5 |
About | ASFOR | 5 |
About | CIRCA | 5 |
About | REGARDING | 9 |
About | INREGARDTO | 10 |
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___ about (roughly) ___ or about ___ 180 (about-faces) ___ about . . . ___ about (a certain date) ___ about (be informed of) ___ about (circa) ___ about (close to) ___ about (courtroom phrase) ___ about (date designation) ___ about (date phrase) ___ about (date-setting phrase) ___ about (had fondness for) ___ about (happen) ___ about (happened) ___ about (in the vicinity) ___ about (investigate) ___ about (near a certain date) ___ about (near) ___ about (phrase re a date) ___ about (prosecutor's phrase) ___ about (publicly visible) ___ about (roam) ___ about (roams) ___ about (rove) ___ about (snoop) ___ about (spread the word) ___ about (stirring) ___ about (time frame) ___ about (time-setting phrase) ___ about (wander) ___ about (wastes time, British-style) ___ about (words of approximation) ___ about face ___ about town ___ about; discuss lightly ___ about; mull over ___ about: meddles ___ bicycle (pedaled about) ___ bones about ___ high (about that tall) ___ man about a dog ___ oneself on (had an ego about) ___ to (brought about) ___ to go (excited about) ___ viveur (man about town) ____ about ____ about (around) ____ about (is on the go) ____ about (lawyer's phrase) ____ about (legal phrase) ____ ways about it! _____ about (approximately) _____ about (legal time frame) _____ about (legalistic phrase) ______ about (time phrase) ... about obstetrics? ... about 13 trillion ... ... about talking nonsense? ... about the prohibition era? ... about Merv Griffin? ... about Chewbacca? ... do you have any idea what you're talking about? ... about 10 quintillion ... ''__ about time!'' ''About face,'' e.g. ''All About Eve'' actress ''I trust him about ___ ...'' (start of a skeptic's phrase) ''I trust him about ___ ...'' (start of skeptical phrase) ''Me? Don't even think about it!'' '50s film is all about her '60s song about an insect who "hid / Inside a doggie from Madrid" '67 Beach Boys song about a love '70s musical about Noah '80s soap about the Carringtons '90 Sisters of Mercy single about a mechanic? '90s sitcom about twin girls '92 Black Crowes hit about medicine? '96 Melvins album about going dateless? 'How about if ...?' 'Mad About You' cousin 'My Friend ___' (film about a horse) 'Round about 'Something to Talk About' singer Bonnie 'Tell me about it!' 'That sounds about right' 'There's Something About ___' 'There's Something About Mary' star "__ I have anything to say about it" "___ about had it up to here!" "___ about it!" "___ about that?!" "___ about the Boy" "___ About the Boy": Coward "___ About Time" (1960s sitcom) "___ About You" "___ Ado About Nothing" "___ are about to die . . . " "___ Bad About Feeling Good?": 1968 film "___ Been Thinking About You": 1991 Londonbeat chart-topper "___ Death" (Fox sitcom about a long-married couple) "___ Dilemma" (controversial 1972 TV episode about abortion) "___ don't know about that" "___ elephant caress you with his toes" (lyric from a song about a bird) "___ Head" (Freud work about mythology) "___ in English is, in the main, just about as sensible as baseball in Italian": H.L. Mencken "___ me about it!" "___ me think about it" "___ Not About the Bike" (Lance Armstrong book) "___ Punk!" (movie about punk rock in Utah) "___ River," 1953 song about Yalta? "___ silver" (words about Cleopatra's barge) "___ Turannos": E.A. Robinson poem about a complex marriage "___ want to talk about it" "_____ about..." "--- About You" (Belinda Carlisle) "--- Dream About You" "--- Like About You" ". . . ___, read all about it!" "... Don't talk about ___! You kidding me?! ..." (Jim Mora, 2001) "(clap, clap) ___..." (children's song lyric about a dog's name) "10 Things ___ About You" "10 Things ___ About You" ("The Taming of the Shrew" remake) "10 Things ___ About You": 1999 comedy "10 Things I ___ About You" "10 Things I Hate About ___" "15. Me and my buddy Stephen built a ___ after seeing a documentary about the instrument" "30 Rock" acronym about entertainment awards "A gripping narrative about one folk singer's violent turn against Paul Simon" "A literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything": Huxley "A lot has been said about politicians; some of it complimentary, but most of it accurate" comedian "A" as in "about" "About a ___" (1994 Nirvana single) "About a ___" (2007 movie about Kurt Cobain) "About a ___": Nick Hornby novel "About a ---" (2002) "About a Boy" actor Grant "About Alice" writer Calvin "About Last Night ..." co-star, 1986 "About Last Night ..." costar Rob "About Last Night..." actress "About the same" "About this size ..." "About time the week ended!" "All About ___," 2009 Sandra Bullock bomb "All About ___" "All About ___" (Bette Davis movie) "All About ---" (1950) "All About Eve" actress Celeste "All About My Mother" director Almodóvar "All I Know About Animal Behavior I Learned in Loehmann's Dressing Room" author Bombeck "And that thing about the gym membership? Instead I ..." "And that's all I have to say about that!" "And we watched about 10 minutes of '___' ..." "Annie" song about the Big Apple "Are we not joking about that yet?" "Avenue Q" song about the meaning of life "Aw, sorry about that ..." "Axel F" ringtone character on About.com's "Top 10 Most Annoying Pop Songs of 2005" "Blow-Up" isn't about it "Boxers or briefs?" and "Tell us something the voters don't know about you", e.g. "Call it" reply, about half of the time "Come ___ About Me" (Supremes hit) "Come --- About Me" (The Supremes) "Did ___ tell you about the time..." "Do it, and don't complain about it" "Do something about it! I dare you!" "Don't ___ think about it!" "Don't even think about Atlas or Prometheus ever again!"? "Don't even think about it!" "Don't joke about that yet" "Don't worry about a thing" "Don't worry about it!" "Don't worry about me!" "Don't worry about that!" "Don't You (Forget About Me)" Simple ___ "Don't you worry about me" "Doolin-___" (Eagles song about an infamous Old West outlaw gang) "Dramedy" about the Bradfords "Dude," as in "I heard about this one dude who..." "Eh, I didn't care about that anyway" "Elegy for ___": memoir about writer Murdoch "Every ___ Tiger": Clancy book about Operation Desert Storm "Everything about my life sucks right now," initially "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask)" actress "Everything you love about coffee" sloganeer "Eww, I don't want to hear about it," in a text "Fiddle About" musical "Flashback" star who wraps about tool class? "For ___ About to Rock (We Salute You)" "For Those About to ___" "Forget about it!" "Forgot About ___" (1999 rap song) "Forgot About ___" (2000 Grammy-winning rap song) "Forgot About ___" (2000 Grammy-winning rap) "Forgot About ___" (2000 single featuring Eminem) "Forgot About ___" (Grammy-winning rap song) "Forgot About ___": hip-hop hit "Funny About Love" star Christine "Getting to ___" (best seller about negotiating)
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