Alabama : matching answer – Crossword-Clue
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Alabama | CRIMSONTIDE | 11 |
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"Alabama Rain" singer "If ___ You" (#1 Alabama song) "Oh, ___ from Alabama . . . " "Sweet ___ Alabama" "They call Alabama the Crimson ___" 1965 Alabama march city 1965 Alabama march site 1982 holiday country hit by Alabama Alabama Alabama and Georgia Indians of old Alabama and Mississippi are in it Alabama and others Alabama athletes Alabama birthplace of Rosa Parks Alabama city Alabama city associated with Martin Luther King Alabama city in 1965 headlines Alabama city in 1965 news Alabama city on the Alabama Alabama civil rights city Alabama county or its seat Alabama county seat named for a European island Alabama football team Alabama march city Alabama march place Alabama march site Alabama native Alabama nickname Alabama or Alaska Alabama or Kansas Alabama or Missouri Alabama or Utah, politically Alabama port Alabama port city Alabama protest city Alabama reptile? Alabama residence Alabama rival Alabama river Alabama river city Alabama River city Alabama River town Alabama scene of a march Alabama senator of the 1970's-90's Alabama setting for the American Cellphone Association convention? Alabama site of a Freedom March Alabama slammer ingredient Alabama Slammer liqueur Alabama speedway locale Alabama Staters Alabama team Alabama team nickname Alabama town Alabama town in '60s headlines Alabama town with many connections to the civil rights movement Alabama university Alabama-born activist Parks Alabama-born folksinger Alabama-born novelist Alabama-born one-named singer Alabama, but not Kansas? Alabama, e.g. Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi, originally Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, etc. Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, etc. Alabama, on the field Alabama's Civil Rights Memorial architect Alabama's Crimson ___ Alabama's intrastate rival Alabama's is crimson Alabama's only seaport Alabama's state flower Alabaman of mixed ancestry Alabaman who wrote the Best Novel of the Century, according to a 1999 Library Journal poll Alabamas team Auburn sign at an Alabama game? Bear of Alabama football Central Alabama city City in Alabama City in southeast Alabama City of New York or Alabama City on the Alabama City on the Alabama River City SSE of Montgomery, Alabama Civil rights city in Alabama Company that produces oil for Alabama? County in Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee Crimson ___ (Alabama's team) Designer of Alabama's Civil Rights Memorial Even game in Alabama? Fallers on Alabama in a Mitchell Parish song Former Alabama rapids Fort ___ (Alabama military reservation) Grizzly Alabama coach Hanging sculpture in Alabama? Hanging sculpture in an Alabama city? Heart of ___ (Alabama nickname) Historic Alabama city Historic Alabama march site Historically black university in Alabama Hit the junior senator from Alabama? It started as East Alabama Male College in 1856 It's east of Alabama It's on Alabama's state quarter Jazz musician from either Saturn or Alabama, depending on whom you believe Legendary Bear of Alabama Like a certain Tide in Alabama Loser to Alabama in the 2012 BCS championship game Memorable Alabama city Memorable Alabama town Name for Alabama Native of Alabama or Georgia One-named singer from Alabama One-named singer from Birmingham, Alabama Parks in Alabama Parks of Alabama Scream in Alabama? Seat of Dallas County, Alabama Single-named folk singer from Alabama Southwesternmost Alabama county The world's largest ..., in Anniston, Alabama, boasts fifteen-foot legs Town in Alabama University of Alabama head coach Nick Upland region from New York to Alabama US Army post at Huntsville, Alabama Where Alabama may be viewed, for short Where to see beefcake in Alabama? Witherspoon of "Sweet Home Alabama" Wynette from Alabama
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