Arc : 2 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
Arc | BOW | 3 |
Arc | CURVE | 5 |
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__ apple (tomato, archaically) ___ -Ball (arcade classic) ___ -Ball (arcade rolling game) ___ Arc, Ark. ___ Arc, Arkansas ___ arcade ___ Archer, with whom Sam Spade had an affair ___ Archibald ("Gossip Girl" role for Chace Crawford) ___ Archipelago ___ Archipelago (network of prisons) ___ Arcs, French ski resort ___ ball (arcade game) ___ bear (Arctic beast) ___ board (architectural band) ___ Brunelleschi, Italian Renaissance architect who developed linear perspective ___ Cobb Freed & Partners (architectural firm) ___ Command ('80s arcade game) ___ d'arc (Osage orange) ___ D'Arcy ("Married...With Children" role) ___ Dan (Israeli archaeological site) ___ de Arce, Spanish poet ___ fatso: bit of Archie Bunker language-mangling ___ file (sequential archive) ___ goose (arctic bird) ___ House (Los Angeles landmark of modern architecture) ___ Islands, in the Malay Archipelago ___ Islands, Scottish archipelago ___ Islands: Malay Archipelago group ___ Jeanne d'Arc: Abbr. ___ Jinx (Archie Comics girl) ___ Jones, English architect ___ light (arc lamp used in moviemaking) ___ light: filmmaking arc lamp ___ of Arc ___ Pro (Arctic Cat line) ___ Rivoli (arcaded Paris street) ___ Roll (arcade game) ___ Sea (Arctic Ocean arm) ___ Sea (Arctic Ocean section) ___ Sea (arm of the Arctic Ocean) ___ shui (architectural art) ___ stone of archeological lore ____ Jeanne d'Arc ____ of Orleans: Joan of Arc _____ - Cat (arctic vehicle) _____ arch ______Bay, world's largest fresh water archipelago _____-Ball (arcade game) ___-ball (arcade rolling game) ___-Magnon man (outdated archaeological concept) ___-Man (arcade classic) ___-Man (arcade game) ___-Man (classic arcade game) ___man classic arcade game ... archery because it ___ '80s arcade game in which you had to evade Sparx 'Great' arctic seabird 'Joan of Arc' star Sobieski 'Joan of Arcadia' figure " . . . Cupid ___ longer an archer": Shak. " . . . the face that drove ___": D'Arcy "___ am in Arcadia" "___ Archia Poeta" (Cicero oration) "___ is more" (architectural principle) "___ of Tron" (1982 arcade game) "___ Us": "Joan of Arcadia" theme song "Arcadia" playwright Stoppard "Archers of St. George" artist "Archie Bunker's Place" co-star and family "Archie Bunker's Place" costar "Archie" and "Cathy" "Architecture aims at ___": Wren "Assassination on Christmas ___" Archers of Loaf "Brothers" arcade game "California style" architect Wallace ___ "Contract with America" architect Gingrich "Death Comes for the Archbishop" author "Didja hear that?," archaically "Dingbat," to Archie Bunker "Engravers of the Arctic" "Fountainhead" architect "From my perspective," archaically "Joan of Arcadia" airer "Joan of Arcadia" network "Let _____ in a tavern...": The Archpoet "Meathead," to Archie "Or ___ thou guide Arcturus . . . ": Job 38:32 "Penny Arcade," for instance "Pyramide du Louvre" architect "Skate or ___!" (1987 arcade game) "Space ---" (arcade classic) "Superman" archvillain Lex "Superman" archvillain Luthor "The ___ Archipelago" "The ___ Archipelago" (Solzhenitsyn) "The ArchAndroid (Suites II and III)" Janelle "The Architect" Rove "The Barbarian Invasions" director Arcand "The Fountainhead" architect "The Shepherds of Arcadia" painter "Tiny" Archibald [ ] that was the creation of an architect born 4/26/1917 *Arc-shaped, finger-staining snack food *Arcade attraction *Arch supports, e.g. *Arctic racer *Furry arctic creatures *Large Arctic whale *Lewis and Clark and the Gateway Arch *Mighty Mouse's archenemy *What an arcade-goer might want to make last? 3rd-Dynasty architect of Egypt's Step Pyramid 16th-century English architectural style 16th-century architect, Tuileries builder 18th-century Austrian archduchess Maria __ 19th-century Arctic explorer 19th-century explorer of the Canadian Arctic coast 30 Rock's architectural style 40-Down sandwich at the Golden Arches 80s arcade game featuring a Godzilla-like protagonist 90-degree arc 94-year-old architect 1674 architect of Theatre Royal, Drury Lane 1940s hit radio show featuring the bartender Archie 1969 hit for The Archies 1969 hit by the Archies 1980s arcade classic that involved drawing boxes 1980's arcade game 1980s arcade game 1980s arcade game where one had to dodge Sparx 1982 film and arcade game 1982 Midway arcade hit 1983 arcade sequel set in a maze 1983 Pritzker Architecture Prize winner 1983 arcade game sequel 1987 3-D arcade game sequel 1990s arcade basketball game 2000s NYC archbishop 2013 Pritzker Prize-winning architect Toyo ___ A 12th-century Archbishop of Canterbury A first name in architecture A type of arch A U.S. president who was also an architect, musician and inventor was ... A walled enclosure for sheep, cattle and pigs (archaic) Abbr. akin to 'arch.' Abbr. for Jeanne d'Arc Abode north of the Arctic Circle Accessory for Lew Archer Accomplish, archaically Accusation against Joan of Arc Ace archer Act like an archaeologist Actor born Archibald Leach Actress and former Olympic archery hopeful Davis Actress Arcieri of "A Perfect Fit" Actress Charlotte and Arctic explorer John Actress Hedren who lives on a floating Arctic mass? Actress Sobieski of "Joan of Arc" Admiral in the Arctic Aegean region where an architectural order began Aimless walks around the Gateway Arch? Alabama's Civil Rights Memorial architect Alaska city once known as New Archangel to the Russians Alaskan archipelago Alaskan city near the Arctic Circle Albert ___, Nazi architect Aldebaran and Arcturus Aldebaran or Arcturus Alike, archaically Also, archaically Amatory archer Amaze someone who collects archery equipment? American architect born in Canton, China American architect's family Amore from the Archies, 1969 Amorous archer Amusement arcade game Amusement arcade items An archangel An archangel: II Esdras 4 Ancient architectural style Ancient Jordanian archaeological city Ancient region with an architectural style named after it Angelic arc Angry, archaically Anne of "Archie Bunker's Place" Annihilate, arcade-style Anoint, archaically Antarctic and Arctic Ante-bellum architecture showplace Antillean archipelago Ants, archaically Anyone, archaically Apocryphal archangel Apple-splitting archer Apple-splitting archer William Application: arch. Aptly named arctic bird Arc Arc Angels "___ by Angels"
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