Au : 5 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
Au _______ | JUS | 3 |
Au _______ | GRAT | 4 |
Au _______ | PAIR | 4 |
Au _______ | GRATIN | 6 |
Au _______ | NATUREL | 7 |
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__ Bay, Australia __ Beach (auto race site) __ Cup, annual tennis event since August 8, 1900 __ Gay (plane in the news on August 6, 1945) __ Murray, Australia's "bush-bard" __ saffron (autumn crocus) __ Sea (waters off Australia) __ T, car introduced on August 12, 1908 ___ & Young (auditors) ___ 500 (auto race) ___ 500 (popular auto race) ___ Albom ("Tuesdays With Morrie" author) ___ au Haut, Maine ___ au Haut, ME ___ au Haut, Me. ___ au lait ___ au poivre ___ au vin ___ au vin (chicken dish) ___ au vin (French rooster dish) ___ Auerbach, "winningest" N.B.A. coach ___ Aurelius ___ Aurunca, town NNW of Napoli ___ Austin ("The Six Million Dollar Man") ___ Australia (Risk territory) ___ Australis, star in Ursa Major ___ aut nunquam (now or never) ___ Auto Club (Canada's answer to AAA) ___ auxiliary (verb like can or might) ___ avibus (good auspices) ___ bid (participate in an auction) ___ Blyton, children's author ___ Bombeck, author-columnist ___ Championship (annual August tournament) ___ Championship: August golf tournament ___ Chase, author-actress ___ Crosley, author of the 2008 best seller "I Was Told There'd Be Cake" ___ Diamond, author of the 1998 Pulitzer-winning book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" ___ Disraeli, author of "Curiosities of Literature" ___ Easton Ellis, author of "American Psycho" ___ Fabi of auto racing ___ Farbissina of the "Austin Powers" films ___ Ferrari, Italian automaker ___ fide (authentic) ___ for Autism Foundation ___ For Autism Golf Challenge (annual charity event) ___ goods (appliances, automobiles, etc.) ___ gun (automatic pistol) ___ Highway, old auto route from New York City to San Francisco ___ Hubbard ("Dianetics" author) ___ Humpalot, Austin Powers villain ___ Islands off N Australia ___ Islands: autonomous Danish province ___ J. Gaines, who wrote "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman" ___ Jackson Braun (author of "The Cat Who ..." mysteries) ___ Kundera, author of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" ___ Lofts, English author ___ Maria Remarque, author of "All Quiet on the Western Front" ___ Martin (auto) ___ Martin (James Bond's auto) ___ mike (automatic pilot) ___ nut (auto-wheel holder) ___ of August (1st of that month) ___ out (augmented) ___ Peters, author of Brother Cadfael mysteries ___ plug (auto part) ___ precedent (quote authority, as in a brief) ___ Raceway (Pennsylvania auto track) ___ Romeo (Italian auto) ___ Ross, author of "Wisconsin" ___ scan (biometric authentication method) ___ Sea, off NW Australia ___ Series: auto races ___ Sorensen, "Kennedy" author ___ Speed Wagon (vintage auto) ___ Steamer (early auto) ___ Steamer (old auto) ___ Stoker, "Dracula" author ___ storm (won over, as an audience) ___ Strait (water separating Australia and New Guinea) ___ that be: authorities ___ The Fifth (1910's auto) ___ Thomas, author of "Down These Mean Streets" ___ TV (online Australian channel) ___ Utley, author of "The China Story" ___ von Habsburg (last Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary) ___ Walton, author of "The Compleat Angler" ___ Wilson, Aussie novelist ___ Yutang (Chinese author) ____ autres ____ Autumn _____ Australis (southern constellation) ______aux Meadows, Newfoundland World Heritage site ___-1: "Ghostbusters" auto ___-Anne-d'Auray, French resort ___-au-feu ___-au-Prince, Haiti ___-call (automated solicitation) ___-Z (auto) ___Pen (trademarked autoinjector for allergic reactions) __-box (subcompact auto) ...for a sci-fi/fantasy/comic book author? ... according to St. Augustine ...given to waffling, Aunt Jemima ___ . . . to an audio technician (press 8) ...a market figure cooperating with the authorities? ... to an audio technician (press 8) ... in "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton" ... '___, Trains & Automobiles' ''. . . Cuckoo's Nest'' author ''2001 . . .'' author ''Accidental Tourist'' author ''Airport'' author ''Alaska'' author ''American Pastoral'' author ''An Inconvenient Truth'' author ''Any Woman's Blues'' author Jong ''April Theses'' author ''Ashes to Ashes'' author Hoag ''Au contraire!'' in the 1990s ''Auld Lang Syne'' bandleader ''Auld Lang Syne'' writer ''Auntie ___'' ''Auntie Mame'' author ''Auntie Mame'' Oscar nominee ''Australia'' star ''Automne'' predecessor ''Awakenings'' author ''Bambi'' aunt ''Battle Hymn of the Republic'' author ''Beasts and Super-Beasts'' author ''Black Mesa'' author ''Bonfire of the Vanities'' author ''Bonjour Tristesse'' author ''Brave New World'' author ''BridesHEAD Revisited'' author ''Christ Stopped at Eboli'' author ''Contract Bridge Complete'' author ''Convivio'' author ''Cope Book'' aunt ''Corridors of Power'' author ''Couplehood'' author ''Critique of Judgement'' author ''Critique of Judgment'' author ''Da Vinci Code'' author Brown ''Definitely!'': author Friedman/''Definitely not!'': Columbus ''Delta of Venus'' author Anais ''Divine Poems'' author ''Double Indemnity'' author ''Dreams From My Father'' author ''Dukes of Hazzard'' auto ''Emile'' author ''Endymion'' author ''Full Disclosure'' author ''High Adventure'' author ''I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings'' author Angelou ''In Cold Blood'' author ''Inside Las Vegas'' author ''J'Accuse'' author Zola ''Jaws'' author Benchley ''Journey Into Fear'' author Ambler ''Kitty Foyle'' author ''Lasher'' author ''Lipstick Jungle'' author ''Lord Jim'' author ''Major Barbara'' author ''Master of the Game'' author ''Notes on a Cowardly Lion'' author ''O Pioneers!'' author ''O'Hara's Choice'' author ''Oliver's Story'' author ''Oppression and Liberty'' author Simone ''Orlando'' author ''Out of the Silent Planet'' author ''Pal Joey'' author ''Pilgrim's Progress'' author ''Pleading Guilty'' author ''Presumed Innocent'' author ''Principia Mathematica'' author ''Radial'' auto part ''Reversible Errors'' author ''S Is for Silence'' author ''Science and Health'' author ''Seven Pillars of Wisdom'' autobiographer ''Shopgirl'' author Martin ''Sister Carrie'' author ''Speak, Memory'' autobiographer ''Stuart Little'' author ''Swann's Way'' author ''Take Big Bites'' author ''The Alienist'' author ''The Alienist'' author Caleb ''The American Century'' author ''The Angry Hills'' author ''The Antitrust Paradox'' author ''The Audacity of ___'' ''The Autobiography of Alice B. __'' ''The Bathers'' painter Pierre Auguste ''The Bonesetter's Daughter'' author ''The Day of the Jackal'' author
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