He's : not found – Crossword-Clue
Is that what you meant?
__ of Gilead (tree with heart-shaped leaves)
___ bases (R. Henderson stat)
___ boy (hero sandwich)
___ Bryant Ford, Henry's son
___ dicit (he says nothing)
___ Hedberg, Swedish dramatist
___ Heel State (North Carolina)
___ Heights (Six-Day War battleground)
___ Heights, strategic Midwest region
___ helmet (safari wear)
___ Here, schooner in "Captains Courageous"
___ Heuer (Swiss watch brand)
___ Pueblo (Unesco World Heritage site)
___ Sinclair (protagonist of Hesse's "Demian")
___ sleeve (held secretly)
___ the Hedgehog (Sega mascot)
___ the heels (shabby)
___ Way (herbal supplements)
____ heaven's sake
______aux Meadows, Newfoundland World Heritage site
___-de-four (hemisphere-shaped vault)
___-mell (helter-skelter)
___-Tiki (Heyerdahl's raft)
___-to book (self-helper's read)
__-heart surgery
...and here's our head of human resources...
... ___ (step to the sounds of "Hernando's Hideaway")
...a Heyman/Sour/ Eyton/Green collaboration with Isaac Hayes and David Porter?
... but he spent his time watching ___
''__ Heldenleben'' (Strauss tone poem)
''___ he's a jolly ...''
''And look you, here's your letter; this ___'' (Shakespeare)
''By ___, I think he's got it!''
''Dancer Adjusting Her Shoe'' artist
''Have ___!'' (hero's reassurance)
''Heads'' side of a coin
''Heaven's __ vault'': Shelley
''Heavenly'' songwriter Bacharach
''Here's __!''
''Here's my phone number''
''Here's my telephone number''
''Here's to you,'' e.g.
''Here's to you!'', for one
''Here's to you'' is one
''Hernando's Hideaway,'' for one
''I'm ___ here!'' (skedaddler's remark)
''More stars than there are in heaven!'' studio
''Purple ___'' (Hendrix song)
''You are here'' setting
'70s "Have You Seen Her" soul band Chi-___
'81 Nicks/Henley smash
'F' heaven's sake!'
'He's a priest,' per Ogden Nash
'Hedda' star Jackson
'Here's my ante'
'I Cross My Heart' singer
'In Her Shoes' actress
'It's a Heartache' singer
'Locked Out of Heaven' singer
'Millennium' series heroine Salander
'Tell It to My Heart' singer
'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' heroine Salander
'Van Helsing' star
" . . . he ___ bigger than his head": Shak.
" . . . or ___ Hecuba": Shak.
" . . . the ___ at heaven's gate sings"
"___ Alone," V. Herbert song
"___ Anybody Here Seen Kelly?": 1909 song
"___ Darlin'" (Neal Hefti song)
"___ Do This Sum," V. Herbert song
"___ Gali Gali" (traditional Hebrew song)
"___ he's a jolly good fellow"
"___ Heat" (song from "The Pajama Game")
"___ Heldenleben," Strauss work
"___ Heldenleben" (Strauss opus)
"___ Heldenleben" (Strauss piece)
"___ Heldenleben": Strauss
"___ hell": Sherman
"___ Help Singing," 1944 song
"___ Her Standing There"
"___ her to heaven": Shak.
"___ here" (store sign)
"___ it be, 'Tis wondrous heavy": Shak.
"___ Kelly's Blues," Cahn-Heindorf song
"___ Made to Love Her" (Stevie Wonder song)
"___ Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols"
"___ of Hearts, he stole..."
"___ the slight harebell raised its head": Scott
"___ the soles of her shoe?": Hamlet
"___ Time": Hemingway stories
"___, what eyes hath Love put in my head": Shak.
"___and Her Sisters"
"___heart shall be called prudent"
"... ___ he said"
"... and he's got Budweiser and Michelob on tap - excellent ___!"
"... which ___ from heat did canopy the herd": Shak.
"...heaven shall ___ her portals": Byron
"'Tis best to weigh the ___ more mighty than he seems": Shakespeare
"A Life for the Tsar" hero Susanin
"A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her" speaker
"Airplane!" hero Striker
"An honest brew makes its own friends", he said
"And ___ Was," 1985 Talking Heads song
"And ___ Was" (1985 Talking Heads single)
"And here he is today, the luckiest turkey in America. And for the first time in his life, he's not a ___. Congratulations, Tom."
"And here's ---, Mrs. Robinson ..."
"And here's to you, __ Robinson"
"And here's to you, ___ Robinson ..."
"And She ___" (Talking Heads song)
"Area Man BCCs Psychiatrist On Every ___ He Sends" (The Onion headline)
"As soon as my heart stops breaking" band
"At age 12 he started traveling with a fast crowd, which began ___ ..."
"At least, now when we talk he's ___ ..."
"Beavis and Butt-head" sounds
"Beavis and Butt-Head" sounds
"Beavis and Butt-head" spin-off
"Beavis and Butt-head" spinoff
"Boxing Helena" star Sherilyn
"Break Your Heart" singer
"Bullet to the Head" star
"But he saith unto them, It ___; be not afraid": John 6:20
"But he saw the error of his ways and made a ___ of it."
"But she did scorn a present that ___ her": Shak.
"By the Nine Gods" he swore
"C'mon, I need your help here, so stop resisting"
"Can't Help Singing" star Durbin
"Canadians are mildewed with caution", he said
"Catch-22" character described as "a warm-hearted, simple-minded gnome"
"Crimes of the Heart" star
"Dancer Lacing Her Shoe" artist
"Death Becomes Her" star, 1992
"Dick Doesn't Just Lobby for the Tobacco Companies--He's a Client" (rejected campaign ad, 2004)
"Don't Go Breaking My Heart" singer, 1976
"Ere Heaven shall ___ her portals ...": Byron
"For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" word
"For heaven's _____!"
"For heaven's sake!"
"From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee" speaker
"From hell's heart, ___ at thee" (Melville)
"Fuddle duddle", he said
"Get ___ here!" ("Scram!")
"Get Here" singer Adams
"Go help someone else"
"God is _____, that he should lie": Numbers
"Green" heat sources
"Hannah and Her Sisters" actor
"Hannah and Her Sisters" costar
"Hannah and Her Sisters" Oscar winner
"Hannah and Her Sisters" star
"He Ain't ---, He's My Brother"
"He said leave me alone! I'm a ___"
"He said, ___ said"
"He saith among the trumpets, ___ . . . ": Job 39:25
"He separated the sons ___" (Deut. 32:8)
"He shall not ___ if he have his own": Shak.
"He shoots he scores!", he announced
"He smoked a big ___" (Boston)
"He spoke ___ but went straight . . . "
"He sure plays a --- pinball" (The Who)
"He's __ no good"
"He's ___ of his moods"
"He's ___" (Chiffons hit)
"He's a cold-hearted ___" Paula Abdul
"He's a complicated man/but no one understands him/but his woman"
"He's a Right Guy" composer __ Porter
"He's coming!"
"He's dead, Jim" speaker
"He's for the money, he's for the show," to Boz Scaggs
"He's getting away!"
"He's Got the Whole World ___ Hands"
"He's just not that ___ you"
"He's Just Not That ___ You": 2009 film
"He's Just Not That Into You" coauthor Tuccillo
"He's looking for an opening, but she's doing a tremendous job of ___!"
"He's mine, ___ am his": "Coriolanus"
"He's not my ___"
"He's on fire!" video game
"He's prepared a ___ of popcorn for himself ..."
"He's the ___ was talking about"
"He's the ___ was telling you about!"
"Head Secretary"? [William Golding]
"Head, Shoulders, ___ and Toes"
"Healthier" smoking option
"Heart & Soul" one-hit wonder T'___
"Heart & Soul" one-hit wonder who took their name from a "Star Trek" character
"Heart Shaped World" rocker Chris
"Heart Shaped World" singer Chris
"Heartbreaker" singer Adams
"Heartbreaker" singer Benatar
"Heartburn" screenwriter
"Heartburn" screenwriter Ephron
"Heartlight" singer Diamond
"Heartlight" singer Neil
"Heartlight" singer, 1982
"Heat's coming on" sound
"Heathers" star
"Heaved" sound
"Heaven's ___ vault . . . ": Shelley
"Heaven's ___ vault, studded with stars ...": Shelley
"Heaven's ___ vault, studded with stars...": Shelley