Par : 7 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
___ par | ONA | 3 |
Par ___ | NORM | 4 |
Par ___ | EXEMPLE | 7 |
Par ___ | FRENCHFORBY | 11 |
Par ___ | PLAYINGALLRIGHT | 15 |
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Similar hints
__ beans (corn's partner, in succotash) __ bond (link between two particles of opposing charge) __ Hatter (tea party attendee) __ in (choose to participate) __ Moines, home of the Festival Park event center __ Paradiso (Italian Alp) __ Park (13-Down lab site) __ parmigiana ___ Park, Minn. ___ -mutuel (betting system at Oaklawn Park) ___ and cones (eye parts) ___ and Novak (old news partnership) ___ and outs (particulars) ___ artery (forearm part) ___ Basin Initiative (African partnership launched in 1999) ___ Bay, part of Lake Huron ___ bid (participate in an auction) ___ body (cell part) ___ Bora, wild part of Afghanistan ___ Building, onetime part of Rockefeller Center ___ Canyon National Park ___ capacitor (DeLorean-turned-time machine part) ___ Carlo (part of Monaco) ___ cava (cor part) ___ champêtre: garden party ___ clip (bike part) ___ clip (pedal part) ___ cloud (distant part of the solar system) ___ Cobb Freed & Partners (architectural firm) ___ Coeur (Paris cathedral) ___ Coeur (Paris landmark) ___ Coeur of Paris ___ Coeur, Paris ___ Coeur, Parisian landmark ___ converter (car part) ___ cord (parachute activator) ___ cord (parachutist's pull) ___ Corner, part of Westminster Abbey ___ crest (pelvis part) ___ cuff (shoulder part) ___ d'Orsay, Paris ___ Dame de Paris ___ Danssen (Heidi Klum's "Parks and Recreation" character) ___ de Bologne (park west of Paris) ___ de Boulogne (big park in Paris) ___ de Boulogne (Paris park) ___ de Boulogne, Paris ___ de Boulogne, Parisians' park ___ de France: sports venue near Paris ___ de la Cité (middle of Paris's Pont Neuf) ___ de la Cité (where Notre Dame de Paris stands) ___ de la Cité, Paris ___ de Lyon (Paris railway terminal) ___ de mots (pun, in Paris) ___ deck (part of a cruise ship) ___ des Beaux-Arts, in Paris ___ des Beaux-Arts, Paris ___ diaphragm (camera part) ___ disk (part of the eye) ___ Disney Resort (original name of Disneyland Paris) ___ du Diable (part of French Guiana) ___ du Nord, busy depot in Paris ___ du Nord, depot in Paris ___ du Nord, Paris ___ du Nord, Parisian depot ___ elephant (part of a tot's lesson) ___ end (last part) ___ end (very last part) ___ extent (partly) ___ Fayed, last romantic partner of Princess Diana ___ Fein (Irish political party) ___ festive mood (ready to party) ___ Field (former name of Minute Maid Park) ___ Field (Minute Maid Park, once) ___ Field (park in Flushing) ___ Field: historic Brooklyn park ___ Fields (mythical paradise) ___ Fields (paradisiacal place) ___ fil (wireless, in Paris) ___ fin (shark part) ___ Five National Marine Park ___ fixe (Paris preoccupation) ___ fois (once, in Paris) ___ Forest (park near London) ___ Forest, former English royal park ___ Frosty Parfait (Wendy's dessert) ___ Gauche (Paris area) ___ Gauche (Paris' Left Bank) ___ Gauche (Paris's Left Bank) ___ Gauche, Paris ___ Gerblansky ("South Park" redneck) ___ Grande (part of Texas' border) ___ Halles (Paris district) ___ Halles, old Parisian market ___ House (landmark in Chicago's Hyde Park) ___ humains (people, in Paris) ___ in the corner (parlor game) ___ in turkey (part of a kindergarten lesson) ___ Invalides (Paris landmark) ___ Island, home for part of the Gateway National Recreation Area ___ Islands (part of the Aleutians) ___ Islands, part of the Carolines ___ jacet (part of an epitaph) ___ Jorge, part of the Azores ___ Kinnock, 1980's-90's British Labor Party leader ___ la (part song) ___ la Cité (Paris site) ___ la Cité, Paris ___ la Paix (Paris street) ___ la Paix, Paris thoroughfare ___ Lachaise (Paris's largest cemetery) ___ Landing (part of Philadelphia) ___ Latin, Paris ___ layer (upper atmosphere part) ___ Lee Parks, civil-rights activist ___ lepton (physics particle) ___ lepton (subatomic particle) ___ lobe (brain part) ___ Longoria-Parker ___ Malwae-Tweep ("Parks and Rec" character) ___ manifold (engine part) ___ Marbles (Parthenon details now housed in the British Museum) ___ marbles (Parthenon pieces) ___ marbles, of Parthenon fame ___ Marley (Scrooge's partner) ___ mater (brain part) ___ meson (particle that is its own antiparticle) ___ Mich', in Paree ___ Mix (party staple) ___ Mountains, part of the Tien Shan range ___ National Park, Angola ___ National Park, Fla. ___ National Park, in Poland ___ National Park, Okla. ___ National Park, Utah ___ Negara National Park, Malaysia ___ nerve (arm part) ___ nerve (eye part) ___ nerve (funny bone part) ___ Neuf (oldest bridge in Paris) ___ Neuf (Parisian landmark) ___ Neuf: Paris bridge ___ neutrino (elementary particle) ___ Nublar ("Jurassic Park" location) ___ Nublar ("Jurassic Park" setting) ___ Nublar ("Jurassic Park") locale ___ oblongata (brain part) ___ of God (Paradise) ___ of honor (wedding party member, perhaps) ___ of it: essential part ___ of Langerhans (pancreas part) ___ of Langerhans (pancreatic parts) ___ of Langerhans (part of the pancreas) ___ of life (part of 70-Across) ___ of Menlo Park ___ of Menlo Park (Thomas Edison) ___ of paris ___ of Paris ___ of the first part ___ of the party ___ off (parries) ___ off (parry) ___ on (take part) ___ one's game: performing below par ___ Oro (part of Spanish Sahara) ___ out (avoid participation) ___ out (didn't participate) ___ out of the park ___ page (newspaper part) ___ par ___ Paradise (narrator of Jack Kerouac's "On the Road") ___ Paradise of Kerouac's "On the Road" ___ Paradise, "On the Road" narrator ___ Paradise, protagonist of "On the Road" ___ Paradiso (Italian peak) ___ paradox ___ paradox (logic class subject) ___ paradoxes ___ paratus (plea at law) ___ parcel ___ pardo (grizzly, in Granada) ___ Paree ___ pareil ___ parentis ___ paribus ___ paribus (other things being equal) ___ park ___ Park (B'klyn neighborhood) ___ Park (Chicago suburb) ___ Park (Coney Island destination) ___ Park (Edison lab site) ___ Park (Edison's home) ___ Park (Edison's lab site) ___ Park (Edison's workplace) ___ Park (F.D.R.'s home) ___ Park (FDR home site) ___ Park (FDR's home) ___ Park (historic laboratory site) ___ Park (home of 125-Across) ___ Park (home of the San Diego Padres)
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