Sec : 5 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
Sec | DRY | 3 |
Sec | JIFF | 4 |
Sec | JIFFY | 5 |
Sec | TRICE | 5 |
Sec | INSTANT | 7 |
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__ Nostra (secret society) ___ "second" (trance, in France) ___ a secret ___ Brzezinski, national security advisor under Jimmy Carter ___ Carpenter, Lady Bird's secretary ___ Church, N.Z. sect ___ close second (almost won) ___ close second (barely lost) ___ Culp Hobby, D.D.E.'s H.E.W. Sec. ___ Culp Hobby, ex-H.E.W. Sec. ___ Culp Hobby, first Secretary of H.E.W. ___ Culp Hobby, first secretary of the Department of Health ___ Friday (secretary) ___ gland (melatonin secreter) ___ gland (organ that secretes melatonin) ___ Miss Rebels (SEC team) ___ of Silence: "Get Smart" security device ___ ordo seclorum: Great Seal words ___ pages (newspaper section) ___ Park (Queens section) ___ Park (section of Queens) ___ per second (luminosity unit) ___ Perino, George W. Bush's last press secretary ___ Perino, George W. Bush's last White House press secretary ___ Possible: toon secret agent ___ Q.T. (secretly) ___ rosa (secretly) ___ Ruler, Secretariat's sire ___ Sad (Serbia's second-largest city) ___ Sea (Arctic Ocean section) ___ sec (orange liqueur) ___ sec (soon) ___ Sec. ___ sec. (minutes keeper, for short) ___ Secession ___ second (radio term) ___ secrecy ___ secretary ___ section (geometry topic) ___ sleeve (held secretly) ___ Street, Perry Mason's secretary ___ up (secured, as a win) ___ Vaishnavism (Hindu sect) ___ Wars (conflicts of the second and third centuries B.C.) ___ wear (clothing store section) ___ X (Coca-Cola's secret ingredient) ____ close second ____ sec: just a moment _____ Devi (second-highest peak in India) _____ secret _____ section ___-and-dagger (secretive) ___-class (airplane section) ___-Ida (brand in the frozen food section) ___-sec (moderately sweet) ___-second violation ___-seconds (Planck's constant unit) ___Secure: govt. refinancing program ... Reagan's first interior secretary ...securities dealer? ... and the sloppy secretary pool was ___ '___ Secretary' (Albright book) ''__ had a secret love'' ''Casa'' section ''Divine Comedy'' section ''How now, you secret, black, and midnight __!'' ''I've Got a Secret'' panelist ''Just a sec!'' ''Let this be our little secret'' ''On __ Majesty's Secret Service'' ''Secret Agent Man'' singer ''Share the secret!'' ''The Hundred Secret __'' (Tan book) ''The Second of May, 1808'' artist ''The Secret of __'' ('82 film) ''The Secret of the Old Clock'' sleuth '40s All-Star second baseman Verban '50s agriculture secretary ___ Taft Benson '60s Defense secretary '60s Secretary of Agriculture Freeman '60s Secretary of State '60s Secretary of State Dean ___ '60s United Nations secretary general '70s defense secretary '70s defense secretary Melvin '90s Second Family '90s Transportation Secretary '90s U.N. secretary-general Boutros-__ '90s UN secretary-general Boutros-___ 'Do You Want to ___ Secret' 'Hang ___ sec' 'Hold ___ sec' 'Keep ___ secret' 'Keep this secret' 'Novus ___ Seclorum' 'Wait a sec!' " ___ I Had a Secret Love" " . . . great ___ second course": Shak. " . . . secure in ___ persons . . . " " . . . to be secluded ___ . . . ": Donne "___ a Secret" "___ gauche" (Paris section) "___ Got a Secret" "___ Got a Secret" (old panel show) "___ had a secret love" (Doris Day lyric of 1953) "___ had a secret love" (Doris Day lyric) "___ I am J.H." (secret code in the movie "Brazil") "___ Majesty's Secret Service" "___ ordo seclorum" "___ ordo seclorum" (phrase on the back of a dollar bill) "___ Said" (Lenny Kravitz's second album) "___ secluded rendezvous" "___ second" "___ Seconds Over Tokyo" "___ secret ..." "___ Secretary," Madeleine Albright's 2003 autobiography "___ Secretary" "___ Secretary" (Madeleine Albright's memoir) "___ vision" (company webpage section) "___, answer me" (second line of "Hamlet") "--- in Sixty Seconds" "... ___ close second" "... but a second later there won't be a ___ in the sky" "... on second thought, let's pass!" "12. I burst into tears after seeing the second to last episode of the fifth season of '___'" "30 Seconds to Mars" Jared "30 Seconds to Mars" singer Jared "8 Seconds" milieu "8 Seconds" setting "A secret is ___" (start of a Howell quote) "Any sec" "Atomic" Gummi snacks whose second word is a portmanteau of their shape and how they "move" "Baby-Sitters Club" secretary Mary Anne ___ "Bigger and ___" (LL Cool J's second album) "Can ___ you in on a little secret?" "Can I let you ___ a little secret?" "Can you keep a secret?" "Chamber of Secrets" kid "Charlie ___ Secret" (1935 film) "Deep Space Nine" security chief "Defending Our Nation. Securing the Future" org. "Divine Secrets of the ___ Sisterhood" "Divine Secrets of the ___ Sisterhood" (2002 film) "Divine Secrets of the ___ Sisterhood" (2002 movie) "Divine Secrets of the ___ Sisterhood" (Rebecca Wells novel) "Do I ___ second?" "Do you want to hear a secret?" "Don't believe it for a second" "Don't need seconds, thanks" "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening" artist "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening" painter "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate One Second Before Awakening" and others "For Dummies" bookstore section "Futurama" character who grew up in the Cookieville Minimum Security Orphanarium "Get Smart" security gadget "Gimme a sec" "Gimme a second!" "Give me a sec" "Gone in 60 Seconds" director Dominic "Good luck, ___" (last words on the "Mission: Impossible" tape that would "self-destruct in five seconds") "Got a second?" "Gulliver's Travels" section about the Houyhnhnms "Had you fooled for a second there" "Hang on a sec," online "Hang on a sec!" "Has the ___ effective at keeping peace?" (question for Sec'y-General Ban Ki-moon) "Have you ___ second?" "Head Secretary"? [William Golding] "Hey, I've got a secret ..." "Hey, just a second!" "High," in the Homeland Security Advisory System "History repeats ___, first as tragedy, second as farce." (Karl Marx) "Hold ___ second ..." "Hold ___ second..." "Hold on a sec" "Hold up just a second!" "House of Bush, House of ___: The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties" "House of Secrets" metal band "How now, you secret, black, and midnight ___!": Macbeth "I can say the Lord's Prayer in 10 seconds" speaker "I don't buy that for a second" "I need to step away for a sec," in an IM "I second that!" "I won't wait another second!" "I'll second that" "I'm not waiting one more second!" "I'm strongly thinking about moving to Iowa, how will I secure a place to live?" "I've ___ Secret" "I've _____ a Secret" "I've got a secret to tell you" "In a sec" "In fair Verona, where we lay our ___" (second line of "Romeo and Juliet") "In ten seconds this tape will self-___" "It'll be ___ little secret" "It's a secret . . ." "It's a secret ..." "Just a sec..." "Just a second..." "Just one second" "Keep it a secret"
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