Was : 4 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
Was | LIVED | 5 |
Was | EXISTED | 7 |
Was | TAXSALE | 7 |
Was | USEDTOBE | 8 |
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___ 'em (was a hit) ___ a bell: was familiar ___ about (wastes time, British-style) ___ Arena (home court of the Washington Bullets) ___ Arena in Washington, D.C. ___ around (wasted time) ___ around Washington ___ away from (was timid) ___ awe of (was intimidated by) ___ B (wastebasket) ___ band (kazoo-and-washboard group) ___ Bar, in Venice (where the Bellini was invented) ___ be (was) ___ bell (was familiar) ___ Bell, witch who was a fellow student of Harry Potter at Hogwarts ___ Center (home arena of the Washington Wizards) ___ Circus (where St. Peter was crucified) ___ Corner, Va. (Washington suburb) ___ Crosley, author of the 2008 best seller "I Was Told There'd Be Cake" ___ dauber (wasp) ___ draft: was chilled ___ Drive, thoroughfare by the Lincoln Memorial in Washington ___ Elum Lake, Wash. ___ Elum, city in Wash. ___ Elum, city in Washington ___ Elum, town in Wash. ___ fever (was sick) ___ Fleischer, who was known as Mr. Boxing ___ for (washed up) ___ harm (was innocuous) ___ Helens (Wash. volcano) ___ Helens, Wash. ___ hill (washed up) ___ House, in Washington ___ House, Washington, D.C. ___ it in (was prosperous) ___ lot (was telling) ___ Mulan (Chinese legend that a Disney film was based on) ___ on (was fond of) ___ over (was really taller than) ___ pump: waste disposal device ___ reason (was logical) ___ Six (Louisiana group who was the focus of 2007 rallies) ___ smile (was happy-faced) ___ solution (contact lens wash) ___ Sound (Washington estuarine system) ___ Sound (Washington State water) ___ Sound, Wash. ___ Sound, Washington ___ temperature (was feverish) ___ temperature (was sick) ___ the day (was sorry) ___ Valley, where "Poltergeist" was filmed ___ Washington, who wrote "When You Wish Upon a Star" ___ waste (was expended uselessly) ___ with words (was clever) ___ XVIII (monarch whose reign was interrupted by the Hundred Days) ___-washy ___-washy (inconsistent) ___, Washington; ___, Arizona ... crochet because I was ___ ... the waiter was ___ ... the pastry chef was ___ . . . a classic from which director George Cukor was fired? ... the guest of honor was ___ ... and the sloppy secretary pool was ___ ... that guy with strabismus was ___ ... of a 1903 Washington stamp ... the mason was ___ ... Frosty the Snowman was ___ ... Peyton Manning was___ ... that guy who works at Jiffy Lube was ___ ... Mr. Magoo was ___ '___ Was a Lady (1933 hit song)' ''__ makes waste'' ''___ Was a Rollin' Stone'' (1972 hit) ''... which ___ was irksome to me'' (Shakespeare) ''Able was I ___ saw ...'' ''All I got was this lousy ___'' ''Fidelio'' was Beethoven's only one ''Fool that I was'' poet John ''George Washington __ here'' ''He was a bold man that first ___ oyster'' (Swift) ''How Green Was My Valley'' workplace ''I was stuck!'' ''It wasn't me!,'' e.g. ''It wasn't me!'' ''Mr. Smith ___ to Washington'' ''Now __ was I?'' ''The Subject Was Roses'' Oscar nominee ''The Twist'' was one ''When We Was __'' (George Harrison tune) ''Where the Money Was'' autobiographer ''Whoopee'' was an early one '03 Led Zeppelin live album "How the West Was ___" '30s dance that was all the rage '50s-'60s title detective whose show's theme was composed by Mancini '60s sitcom whose original theme song began "The end of the Civil War was near" 'Alice in Wonderland' star Wasikowska 'I was wrong ... big deal!' 'It was nothing' 'It wasn't my fault!' 'Tell ___ was dreaming!' 'That was close!' 'The Wasteland' author 'Wasn't me,' e.g. 'What I just said was in jest' 'What was it I said?' 'What was that?' " ___ a man who wasn't there" " . . . ___ was bad she was . . . " " . . . ___ was still there": F. S. Key " . . . all that was pleasant ___": Goldsmith " . . . and behold it was a ___" " . . . as he was ambitious, ___ him": Shak. " . . . because there was ___" " . . . destruction that wasteth at ___": Psalm 91 " . . . I was born ___ it right!": Hamlet " . . . I was born to ___ right!": Hamlet " . . . I WAS BROUGHT UP IN PICTURES" " . . . lamb was ___ go" " . . . one whose name was ___ in water": Keats " . . . our flag was still ___" " . . . she was bad she was ___": Longfellow " . . . the ___ was to wander in": FitzGerald " . . . was I ___ I saw . . . " " . . . whose name was ___ in water" (Keats) "__ a man who wasn't there ..." "__ creature was..." "__ man who wasn't there ..." "___ a man who wasn't ..." "___ all come out in the wash" "___ American Cousin," play Lincoln was viewing when assassinated "___ blame" ("It was me") "___ by, and lo, he was gone": Book of Common Prayer "___ creature was . . . " "___ creature was ..." "___ creature was stirring . . . " "___ creature was stirring ..." "___ creature was stirring" "___ hard but am not afraid to go" (George Washington's last words) "___ hard": Washington "___ I was . . . ": Dryden "___ I was an alien at home behind the sun" "___ I was in kneepants . . . " "___ I was old!": Coleridge "___ I was saying . . ." "___ I was saying ..." "___ man who wasn't there" "___ man, he was a good man" (Frank Black lyric) "___ of kindness, however small, is wasted": Aesop "___ of Washington Square" "___ once was a man from ..." "___ once was a man from Nantucket ..." "___ star was glintin out aboon" (old poem start) "___ the West Was Won" "___ There Was You," 1957 song "___ There Was You" ("The Music Man" song) "___ There Was You" (1997 film) "___ There Was You" (1997 Jennifer Aniston movie) "___ There Was You" (1997 Sarah Jessica Parker movie) "___ There Was You" (song from "The Music Man") "___ was ..." "___ was 17 ..." "___ was a cunning hunter" (Genesis 25:27) "___ was a cunning hunter": Genesis "___ was a gardener . . . ": Kipling "___ Was a Lady," 1932 Merman hit "___ Was a Lady" "___ Was a Lady" (1932 song) "___ Was a Lady" (Ethel Merman song) "___ Was a Lady" (Ethel Merman tune) "___ Was a Lady": S. Foster "___ Was a Rollin' Stone" "___ Was a Rollin' Stone" (#1 hit for the Temptations) "___ was here" "___ was I supposed to know that?" "___ was in our lips and eyes": "Antony and Cleopatra" "___ was in the beginning..." "___ was no lady . . . " "___ was no lady ..." "___ was once lost ..." "___ was one-and-twenty": Housman "___ was the week . . . " "___ was thinking ..." "___ was wrong" "___ was your age . . ." "___ was your age ..." "___ washes the other" "___ what was coming to me" "___ you think it was?" "_____ was the sky so deep a hue": Warner "_____ was you!" (mystery denouement) "___! What fray was here?": Romeo "--- a creature was stirring..." "--- creature was stirring...." "--- Was a Rollin' Stone" (Temptations hit) "--- Was a Rolling Stone" (Temptations hit) "--- Wash" (Rose Royce) "---Was A Rollin' Stone"
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