Work : 14 answers – Crossword-Clue
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__ and Child (subjects of many religious works of art) __ break (Brit's intermission from work) __ study (social worker's writeup) __ War (subject of much of 18-Across's work) __ Work (road sign) ___ barrel (the whole works) ___ Bo (workout method) ___ Bo (workout system) ___ citato: in the work cited ___ dancer (old slang for a railroad worker) ___ dancer (railroad worker) ___ diem worker ___ et labor (pray and work: Lat.) ___ five (typical workday) ___ Homo (Nietzsche work) ___ living (work for wages) ___ Loompa (Wonka chocolate factory worker) ___ lunch (quits working to eat) ___ of work ___ Office (where the president works) ___ one's trade (work) ___ one's trade (works busily) ___ oneself (works steadily) ___ operandi (ways of working) ___ operas (Gilbert and Sullivan works) ___ opus (chief work) ___ Park (Edison's workplace) ___ Park, site of Edison's workshop ___ Park, where this puzzle's honoree did his most famous work ___ point (canvas work) ___ promotion (do well at work) ___ the works ___ the works (goes all out) ___ tower (workout apparatus) ___ up the works (ruined everything) ___ with; worked through, as problems ___ wolf (person who doesn't like to work with others) ___ Work ("Down Under" band from down under) ___ Work (1980s pop group) ___ Work (1980s rock band) ___ work (drudgery) ___ work (menial labor) ___ work (repetitive and menial labor) ___ Work (road repair sign) ___ work (road sign) ___ Work (roadside sign) ___ Work (rock band) ___ work (toiling earnestly) ___ workings ___ Works ____ a plea (works a deal with the D.A.) ____ Resartus : Carlyle work ____ work _____ at Work _____ worker _____Work (rock group) ____workers Memorial Bridge ___-Loompa (Wonka worker) ___-Loompas (Wonka factory workers) ___-to-five worker ... "Works on a ___, too!" ... like a factory worker? ... like a macrame worker? ...publisher of e. e. cummings's works, but I... ... that guy who works at Jiffy Lube was ___ '___ been working...' '___ Work It Out' ''__ Solemnis'' (Beethoven work) ''Casual'' work day: Abbr. ''Casual'' workday: Abbr. ''Darn it, didn't work!'' ''Gil ___ de Santillane'' (Le Sage work) ''How Green Was My Valley'' workplace ''La Vita __'' (Dante work) ''YM'' workers '30s migrant worker '80s band: ___ at Work 'Breaking Bad' workplace 'ER' worker 'I hope things work out' 'It's all ___ day's work' 'The Miracle Worker' star 'The Miracle Worker' subject 'What a Piece of Work ___' ('Hair' song) " . . . the ___ makes you free!": H. C. Work "__ Song" ("I've Been Working on the Railroad") "___ all work out" "___ All Work Out" (Tom Petty song) "___ and Ale," Maugham work "___ Barque," Nin work "___ Been Working . . . " "___ been working on the railroad . . ." "___ been working on the railroad ..." "___ Been Working on the Railroad" "___ by Jury" (Gilbert and Sullivan work) "___ child has to work . . . " "___ child has to work for its living" "___ Christianity" (C.S. Lewis work) "___ Die," Gide work "___ Doppelgänger" (Theodor Storm work) "___ et Ballades" (Victor Hugo work) "___ five" (work-day hours, for many) "___ Head" (Freud work about mythology) "___ Heldenleben," Strauss work "___ Homo," Titian work "___ is gained as much by good works as by evil": Machiavelli "___ Jury" (Spillane work) "___ Kapital" (Karl Marx work) "___ Lisa "(da Vinci work) "___ Mable," Streeter work "___ Marner" (George Eliot work) "___ Marner": Eliot work "___ my ears in work!" "___ never going to work!" "___ never work!" "___ never work!" (Debbie Downer's prediction) "___ Odes" (classic work of poetry) "___ of One's Own" (Virginia Woolf work) "___ of One's Own" (Woolf work) "___ of Solomon": religious works "___ of Steel": '80s workout video "___ Organum" (1620 Francis Bacon work) "___ piece of work . . . !": Hamlet "___ Rookh," T. Moore work "___ Satires & Epistles" (classical Roman work) "___ Te Ching" (classic Chinese work) "___ the G String": Bach work "___ Time": Hemingway work "___ to bed . . . " (OPEC worker's slogan?) "___ to Common Things" (Pablo Neruda work) "___ to Joy" (Schiller work) "___ Triste" (Sibelius work) "___ tu" (Verdi work) "___ up the good work!" "___ While You Work," woodcarver's song "___ without works is dead": James 2:20 "___ Work . . . ": G. Will book "___ Work If You Can Get It," 1937 song "___ Work It Out," Beatles hit "___ Work," G. Will best seller "___ Work" (George F. Will best seller) "___ Works Hard for the Money" "___ Zadora" (1983 Andy Warhol work) "_____ Te Ching" (classic work by Lao-Tzu) "--- Age" (Rodin work) ". . . so off to work ___" "... Afternoon of a ---" (Debussy work) "... and it works - the ___ is good!" "... so off to work ___" "...I ___, so off to work I go" "1984" worker "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" author "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" memoirist Dave "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" writer Eggers "A Room of One's ___" (Virginia Woolf work) "Afternoon of a ---" (Debussy work) "All ___ day's work" "Ames et al. are working on the problem"? "And I've got one, two, three, four, five ___ working overtime" (XTC lyric) "As one member of the crew ___ ___ co-worker leaned on his shovel" "At work, when I tried to open a link, it was really a ___" "Beau ___," Wren work "Blood Work" guy "Both work for me" "But ___ work is never done" "But it was working when I left!" "Chicago Hope" workplaces, briefly "Chloe ___," Milne work "Christians ___," Broun-Britt work "Clair de ___" (Debussy work) "Confessions ___ English Opium-Eater": 1821 De Quincey work "CSI" workplace "Daily Planet" worker "Danger: ___ Work" "De Civitate ___": "The City of God," St. Augustine work "Die ___ Müllerin" (Schubert work) "Dirty" work, for some actors "Don't get all worked up!" "Don't get so worked up!" "Dracula" creator or furnace worker "Elemental ___" (Pablo Neruda work) "Essays of ___" (Lamb work) "Everything can't work out perfectly" "Finest Worksong" band "Fraggle Rock" construction worker "Get back to work!" or "Coffee break's over!"? "God created the integers; all the rest is the work of ___": Kronecker "Good work!" "Got My ___ Working" (Muddy Waters classic) "Got My ___ Working" (Muddy Waters song) "Got My ___ Working": 1957 Muddy Waters song "Great work!" "Hey wait, that just might work" "Hey, that just might work" "Home work" letters that appear at both ends of this puzzle's theme answers "Hop ___": Seuss work "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it ___": Woody Allen "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work" speaker "I think that's workable" "I work in a lab," ___
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