counter : 7 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
___ counter | BEAN | 4 |
Counter | ANTI | 4 |
Counter | REBUT | 5 |
___ counter | GEIGER | 6 |
Counter | OPPOSE | 6 |
Counter | INVERSE | 7 |
Counter | RESPOND | 7 |
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___ counter ___ counter (dieter) ___ edge (countertop option) ___-Caps (candy counter classic) ___-the-counter ___-the-counter stocks ''Hide'' counterpart '50s-'60s counterculturist '60s counterculture guru '60s counterculture hallucinogen '60s counterculture hallucinogenic '60s counterculture substance '60s counterculturist Timothy 'People' counterpart 'Tis counter "Arterio-" counterpart "Counter-Attack" star: 1945 "Gracias" counterpart "Hail Mary" counter "His" counterpart "Homeland" Counterterrorism Center boss David "It's a little ___" (deli counter worker's comment at the scale) "Mr." at the candy counter "Neither" counterpart "The Counterfeiters" author "The Counterfeiters" author André "The Counterfeiters" novelist "This" counterpart "Thx" counterpart "Wine" counterpart "You" and "ewe" counterpart 2-Down's counterpart 3-Down's counterpart 4-Across counterpart 6-Down counterpart founded by Billie Jean King 8-Down's counterpart 10th-inning counterparts, briefly 11-Down counterparts 11 to 20, for some counters 17-Across' mountain counterpart 27-Down's counterpart 48-Across' counterparts 77 Across counterpart 84-Down's counterpart 92-Across's counterpart 1971 counter-culture film revue hosted by Richard Pryor A counterfeiter said . . . A flat counterpart Aahs counterpart Abscissa's counterpart Absorbent counter cleaner Accelerator's counterpart Acid blocker sold over the counter Act rudely at the checkout counter Adios's counterpart Adjusts, as a trip counter Adm.'s counterpart Adult's counterpart Aft's counterpart Agent who counters hijackers All over the counter, say All's counterpart Alliance's counterpart in "World of Warcraft" Alpha counterpart Alpha's counterpart Amer. counterpart American counterpart of Britain's MI6 AMEX counterpart Amex's counterpart Amor's counterpart Amor's Greek counterpart Analog's counterpart ANC an counterpart Ans. counterpart Anthony's female counterpart Antihistamines might counter its effects AP counterpart AP's news media counterpart Aphrodite counterpart Appendix counterpart Apple's counterpart to Windows Appliance at a movie snack counter Appliance at a theater snack counter Approval from a sushi chef at the lunch counter? Ares' Norse counterpart Ares' Roman counterpart Arm counterparts of fibulae Artemis counterpart Artemis' Roman counterpart Arteries' counterparts Artery's counterpart ASCAP counterpart Athena's counterpart Athena's Roman counterpart Atl. counterpart Attendance counter Audio counterpart Audio's counterpart Aurora's counterpart Aurora's Greek counterpart Author of "The Counterfeiters" Automatic counterpart Avalanche counterforce Aye's counterpart Baby counters Bachelor's counterpart Bakery counter call Bane of counterfeiters Bank counters? Bar counter sight Bar-counter munchie Bar-counter snack Barbie counterparts Barbie's counterpart Barbie's male counterpart Barbies' counterparts Barfly's counterpart Bargain counter abbreviation Bark's counterpart Barrister's counterpart Bars at the checkout counter: Abbr. Bass counterpart Battering-ram countermeasure BBC's Italian counterpart Beaded counter Bean counter Bean counter briefly Bean counter (Abbr.) Bean counter, for short Bean counter's book Bean counter's concern Bean counters (Abbr.) Bean counters, briefly Bean counters, for short Bean counters? Bean-counter's unit Bear's counterpart Beauty's counterpart Begin counterpart Begin's Camp David counterpart Begin's counterpart Beginning's counterpart Behind-the-counter call Benchwarmer's counterpart Beverage counter with a sink Biden's 2008 counterpart Big name in '60s counterculture Blitz counter Blonds' counterparts (Var.) Blood counterpart on Mount Olympus Blood's counterpart Boar's counterpart Bolts' counterparts Bona-fide bean counter, briefly Boo counter Bookworm's counterpart Born's counterpart Bottle at the perfume counter Boutonniere's counterpart Bow's counterpart Bows' counterparts Brain's counterpart Brand at a checkout counter that's also the name of a Phoenix radio station Bridesmaids' counterparts British counterpart of a hippie British MD's American counterpart British nark's U.S. counterpart Bro counterpart Bro's counterpart BSA counterpart Buck's counterpart Bums' American counterparts Bus. counterpart Bust's counterpart Butch's counterpart Butler's counterpart Cab counter Cabbie's counter Cafeteria-counter item Call at a deli counter Call's counterpart Calls counterparts Calorie counter's concern Calorie counter's deli request Calorie counter's word Calorie counters Calorie counters, hopefully Calorie counters' kitty? Calorie-counter Calorie-counter's counter Calories counter Cals. counterpart Canal counterpart? Candy counter buy Candy counter buys Candy counter choice Candy counter name Candy counter selection Candy-counter item Cap's counterpart
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