share : 13 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
Share | CUT | 3 |
Share | LOT | 3 |
Share | DOLE | 4 |
Share | PART | 4 |
____ share | LIONS | 5 |
Share | QUOTA | 5 |
Share | SLICE | 5 |
Share | SPLIT | 5 |
Share | RATION | 6 |
Share | PARTAKE | 7 |
Share | PORTION | 7 |
Share | FRACTION | 8 |
Share | PERCENTAGE | 10 |
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Similar hints
___ oneself (share private thoughts) ___ share alike ___ Sharett, Israel's first foreign minister, 1949-56 ____ share ... and 99-Across starred in musicals and share their first names with a classic sitcom couple ''Share the secret!'' ''What's mine is __'' (sharer's words) "Author" with characters who share the surnames of 17-, 29-, and 48-Across "Be careful what you say," and a hint to a feature shared by this puzzle's perimeter answers "Capture and Share the World's Moments" company "Carmen on Ice" Emmy sharer Brian "No need to share all that," briefly "Shh!" (and a hint to the feature shared by the answers to starred clues) "The Lord of the Rings" region, and a hint to the shared feature of 17-, 28- and 44-Across and 26-Down "Whoa! Do that somewhere else!" ... which hints at what can be shared by the beginning and end of the answers to starred clues *Bench sharer *Item shared by a community of superheroes? 50-50 share 52 shares of stock, say 60 shares, e.g. 75 shares, e.g. 99 shares of stock, say 1953 movie that shares the name of a Texas town 1955 Belmont and Preakness winner that shared its name with a U.S. city 1966 Nobel Prize for Literature sharer Nelly 1972 #1 hit with the lyric "I'm right up the road / I'll share your load" 1973 Peter Fonda travel drama in which Lindsay Wagner's character asks to share some kif 1978 Nobel sharer 1978 Nobel Prize sharer 1988 Nobel Prize sharer 1993 Peace Prize sharer 1993 Nobel Peace Prize sharer de ___ 1994 Nobel Peace Prize sharer 1994 Peace Prize sharer 1994 peace prize sharer Yitzhak 2007 Best Director Oscar sharer 2007 Peace Prize sharer Action shared by a shill Actor who shares the lead Actor with the lion's share of a 1939 movie script Agent's share Agt.'s share Allotted share An equal share, say Anwar who shared a 1978 Nobel Prize Apartment sharer Apartment sharers Arafat's Nobel Prize sharer Army VIPs and sailor share the bill (6) Assigned share Assigned shares Baby lion's share at times Baby lion's share? Backseat sharers, often Bad things to share Bad things to share in bed Baseballer who shares a position with a teammate Be unable to share Beatified monk who shares his name with a "Robin Hood" character Becquerel who shared a Nobel Prize in Physics with the Curies Bedroom sharers, informally Bedroom sharers, maybe Beer share? Begin's Nobel Prize sharer Begins to share Belt sharer Benefit program giving workers a chance to buy co. shares Big share Big shareholder? Biggest shareholder? Bill sharer Blood sharers Bloodline sharers Border sharers of Asia and Africa? Border sharers of Asia? Border sharers of Europe and Asia? Border sharers of Europe? Border sharers of North America and Asia? Border sharers of South America and Asia? British ship that shares its name with a New York "village" Bus-seat sharer, perhaps Button that may be shared with "number lock" By share Call to share a secret? 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Designated share Didn't share Dish shared by Byington, Young and Kesey Disney's largest individual shareholder Dispense, as small shares Distributes fair shares Distributes fair shares, e.g. Divide into fair shares Divided according to share DNA sharer DNA sharer, maybe Do ___ (share the burden) Do ____: share the job Doesn't share Don't share Don't share with Dorm sharer Dorm sharers Drift Prairie sharers Dwellings with shared kitchens and baths: Abbr. Eighty shares of stock, maybe Either of two cities that share a state border Elisha who shared his ups and downs with us? Elton John hit that begins "Guess there are times when we all need to share a little pain" Encounter shared by the four celebrity couples in this puzzle? English monarch who shared the throne Entity with shareholders Equal share for two Equal share, often Equal share, to a pair Equal shares for a trio Equally shares a dozen Roman doughnuts? 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Fair shares, often Fair way to share Fairly shared Families share them Families usually share them Fewer than 100 shares Fewer than 100 shares of stock Figure that shares a property with this puzzle First bedroom sharer, for short First name shared by both founders of Apple Flat sharer Food reaction shared by about 3 million Americans Food share Foot soldier's shares Ford that shares its name with a bull Former NBA star who has a majority share in the Charlotte Bobcats Former P.M. who shared a 1974 Nobel Peace Prize Fortune sharers, perhaps Fourth little piggie's share Fourth little piggy's share Fourth piggie's share Freedoms shared by every person French city that shares its name with a car Frequent estate sharers, briefly Frequently shared thing Friend who shares your hysteria? Friends that share in your tacky guilty pleasures? Fritos shelf sharer Get ___ (share the rewards of) Gets a share via pushy means Gives as one's share Group of people that share an organ? Group that shares its name with a 1930 Howard Hughes film Guess Who hit, "Share the ______ " Gush (over) ... or sounds shared by the answer to each starred clue Has a share (of) Having a share Having a share of Having no sharer
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