tools and articles for letters and words

Answer CLEANS – Crossword Puzzle Solver

____ house: emulates Travelgate?CLEANS 6
ScoursCLEANS 6
ScrubsCLEANS 6
TidiesCLEANS 6
WashesCLEANS 6
Gets rid of dust bunniesCLEANS 6
Prepares for company, perhapsCLEANS 6
Does a maid's workCLEANS 6
Does some houseworkCLEANS 6
Empties, with "out"CLEANS 6
Makes more sterileCLEANS 6
Prepares for companyCLEANS 6
Straightens (up)CLEANS 6
Vacuums and mopsCLEANS 6
Washes and driesCLEANS 6
Wins big, with "up"CLEANS 6
AbstergesCLEANS 6
AntisepticizesCLEANS 6
DetergesCLEANS 6
DisinfectsCLEANS 6
Does housework with 6 letters
Does houseworkCLEANS 6
Does the dishesCLEANS 6
Frees from dirtCLEANS 6
LaundersCLEANS 6
PurifiesCLEANS 6
SandblastsCLEANS 6
SanitizesCLEANS 6
Spruces (up)CLEANS 6
Tidies (up)CLEANS 6
Uses a vacuumCLEANS 6
Vacuums, sayCLEANS 6
Wipes off, sayCLEANS 6

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