set length and letters 2345678910+ remove filter▲ length12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 Answer ENE – Crossword Puzzle Solver clueanswerlength67.5 degrees, in terms of directionENE 3 67.5 degrees on a compass, brieflyENE 3 45 degrees 22.5 degreesENE 3 67.5 deg. on the compassENE 3 67.5 degrees, as the wind blowsENE 3 67.5 degrees, direction-wiseENE 3 67.5 degrees, in directionsENE 3 67.5 degrees, on a compassENE 3 67.5 degrees, to marinersENE 3 67.5 degrees on a compass (Abbr.)ENE 3 112.5 degrees away from SENE 3 67.5° compass pointENE 3 67.5 deg. on a compassENE 3 67.5, directionallyENE 3 67.5°, in terms of dir.ENE 3 67.5°, to marinersENE 3 67 degrees, 30 minutesENE 3 757 heading, sometimesENE 3 16th letter of the Spanish alphabetENE 3 112.5 degrees from SENE 3 180 degrees from WSW with 3 letters180 degrees from WSWENE 3 22.5 degrees from 1-AcrossENE 3 67 1/2 degreesENE 3 67.5 deg.ENE 3 67.5 degreesENE 3 67.5 degs.ENE 3 180 deg. from WSWENE 3 180° from WSWENE 3 67.5°ENE 3 63-Across hdg.ENE 3 28-Across-to-Lubbock dir.ENE 3 "Ethyl" or "benz" finishENE 3 "Ethyl" or "methyl" endingENE 3 "Acetyl" add-onENE 3 "Acetyl" endingENE 3 "Methyl" endingENE 3 >From S.F. to Wyo.ENE 3 At the end of it, "my alien" would be a dangerous personENE 3 Dir. with a heading of 67.5 degreesENE 3 About 2 o'clock, on a compassENE 3 About two o'clock, on a compassENE 3 A carbon compound suffixENE 3 Compass dir. near 2 o'clockENE 3 Ending for buckminsterfullerENE 3 Ending of some hydrocarbonsENE 3 Ending with acetyl or butylENE 3 Hurricane dir., sometimesENE 3 Mariner's heading (abbr.)ENE 3 Methyl or ethyl followerENE 3 Nautical heading, brieflyENE 3 12345678910111213>>Using the ToolVisit the instruction to find out more about this tool.