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Answer ENRON – Crossword Puzzle Solver

2000s symbol of corporate financial misconductENRON 5
2000s symbol of corporate misconductENRON 5
2001 symbol of corporate misconductENRON 5
2002 financial scandal companyENRON 5
2005 documentary subtitled "The Smartest Guys in the Room"ENRON 5
2000s scandal subjectENRON 5
2001 bankruptcy companyENRON 5
2001 bankruptcy filerENRON 5
2001 headline makerENRON 5
2001 scandal subjectENRON 5
2002 headline companyENRON 5
2001 filer for Chapter 11 bankruptcyENRON 5
2000s Houston-based scandal subjectENRON 5
"___: The Smartest Guys in the Room" (2006 documentary)ENRON 5
"America's most innovative company" prior to its bankruptcy in 2001ENRON 5
"Conspiracy of Fools" corporationENRON 5
"Conspiracy of Fools" companyENRON 5
"Conspiracy of Fools" topicENRON 5
"Kenny Boy"'s companyENRON 5
"The Smartest Guys in the Room" companyENRON 5
"The Smartest Guys in the Room" subject with 5 letters
"The Smartest Guys in the Room" subjectENRON 5
Collapsed company chronicled in the 2005 documentary subtitled "The Smartest Guys in the Room"ENRON 5
Energy company known for, well, everything but providing energyENRON 5
Corporation that gave a bad account of themselves?ENRON 5
Energy company that filed for bankruptcy in 2001ENRON 5
Corporation whose scandal led to the dissolution of Arthur AndersenENRON 5
Company at the center of a recent scandalENRON 5
Company infamous for shredding documentsENRON 5
Company involved in an accounting scandalENRON 5
Company whose logo was, appropriately, crookedENRON 5
Company with a spectacular 2001 bankruptcyENRON 5
Corporation that gave a bad account of itselfENRON 5
Energy giant that filed for bankruptcy in 2001ENRON 5
Name synonymous with corporate malfeasanceENRON 5
Energy company whose bankrupcy took down the Arthur Andersen accounting firmENRON 5
Company notoriously affiliated with the Arthur Andersen accounting firmENRON 5
Bankrupt company in 2001-02 newsENRON 5
Bankrupt company in 2002 headlinesENRON 5
Big name in corporate malfeasanceENRON 5
Company involved in a 2002 scandalENRON 5
Company that went bankrupt in 2001ENRON 5
Company whose reputation was "shredded"ENRON 5
Energy giant that went bankrupt in 2001ENRON 5
Name in a 2001 accounting scandalENRON 5
Noted declarer of bankruptcy in 2001ENRON 5
Notorious bankruptcy filer of 2001ENRON 5
Scandalous newsmaker of 2001-'02ENRON 5
Company that ironically had a crooked E in its logoENRON 5
Scandalous company with a tilted-E logoENRON 5
Former company that prompted the Sarbanes-Oxley ActENRON 5

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