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Answer ISHTAR – Crossword Puzzle Solver

1987 disaster movie?ISHTAR 6
1987 flop starring Warren Beatty and Dustin HoffmanISHTAR 6
1987 film flopISHTAR 6
1987 Beatty box office flopISHTAR 6
1987 Beatty bombISHTAR 6
1987 Beatty flopISHTAR 6
1987 Beatty/Hoffman flopISHTAR 6
1987 Dustin Hoffman filmISHTAR 6
1987 Elaine May movieISHTAR 6
1987 Warren Beatty flopISHTAR 6
Assyrian goddess of love and warISHTAR 6
Babylonian goddess of love and warISHTAR 6
Babylonian fertility goddessISHTAR 6
Assyrian love goddessISHTAR 6
Babylonian goddessISHTAR 6
Babylonian love goddessISHTAR 6
Beatty bomb of 1987ISHTAR 6
Beatty bomb of '87ISHTAR 6
Big film flop of 1987ISHTAR 6
Costly flop of 1987ISHTAR 6
Disastrous '87 film with 6 letters
Disastrous '87 filmISHTAR 6
Famed film flop of 1987ISHTAR 6
Film bomb of 1987ISHTAR 6
Film flop of 1987ISHTAR 6
Hoffman film: 1987ISHTAR 6
Infamous film flopISHTAR 6
Movie flop starring Hoffman and BeattyISHTAR 6
It lost out to "Leonard Part 6" for the 1987 Razzie Award for Worst PictureISHTAR 6
Film that ended Elaine May's directorial careerISHTAR 6
Beatty bombISHTAR 6
Famed film flopISHTAR 6
Warren and Dustin's dudISHTAR 6
Movie made in Morocco that misfired miserablyISHTAR 6
Infamous Beatty bombISHTAR 6
Wherein Hoffman sings ''That's Amore''ISHTAR 6
Beatty-Hoffman bomb: 1987ISHTAR 6
Beatty-Hoffman bomb of 1987ISHTAR 6
Beatty/Hoffman film fiascoISHTAR 6
Warren Beatty flop of 1987ISHTAR 6
Beatty-Hoffman filmISHTAR 6
Beatty/Hoffman flopISHTAR 6
Beatty/Hoffman movieISHTAR 6
Warren Beatty/Dustin Hoffman flopISHTAR 6

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