set length and letters 2345678910+ remove filter▲ length12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 Answer MAGI – Crossword Puzzle Solver clueanswerlength14-Down's night visitorsMAGI 4 SagesMAGI 4 WizardMAGI 4 ''The Gift of the ___''MAGI 4 Wise guys featured in this puzzle's theme answersMAGI 4 Bringers of gold, frankincense and myrrhMAGI 4 Bearers of gold, frankincense and myrrhMAGI 4 Givers of gold, frankincense, and myrrhMAGI 4 Biblical birthday party?MAGI 4 Creche trio (with "the")MAGI 4 Frankincense and myrrh giversMAGI 4 Men who made a star trekMAGI 4 Nativity scene threesomeMAGI 4 One of them brought myrrhMAGI 4 They brought myrrh and moreMAGI 4 They navigated by a starMAGI 4 Three kings of biblical fameMAGI 4 Kings who honored their KingMAGI 4 Amahl's night visitorsMAGI 4 Amahl's visitorsMAGI 4 Ancient gift givers with 4 lettersAncient gift giversMAGI 4 Ancient sorcerersMAGI 4 Astrologers of oldMAGI 4 Astrologers of yoreMAGI 4 Astrologist of yoreMAGI 4 Balthazar et al.MAGI 4 Balthazar's groupMAGI 4 Bethlehem-bound groupMAGI 4 Bethlehem visitorsMAGI 4 Biblical gift bearersMAGI 4 Biblical gift giversMAGI 4 Biblical stargazersMAGI 4 Biblical travelersMAGI 4 Biblical visitorsMAGI 4 Biblical wise guysMAGI 4 Biblical wise menMAGI 4 Biblical wise trioMAGI 4 Caspar and companyMAGI 4 Certain wise menMAGI 4 Christmas figuresMAGI 4 Christmas pageant rolesMAGI 4 Christmas travelers?MAGI 4 Crèche charactersMAGI 4 Crèche threesomeMAGI 4 Early stargazers?MAGI 4 Early star trekkersMAGI 4 Eastern astrologersMAGI 4 Epiphany figuresMAGI 4 Epiphany honoreesMAGI 4 Epiphany threesomeMAGI 4 1234>>Using the ToolVisit the instruction to find out more about this tool.