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Answer RUSE – Crossword Puzzle Solver

Cunning schemeRUSE 4
DeceptionRUSE 4
Deceptive planRUSE 4
Deceptive ployRUSE 4
Dirty trickRUSE 4
DiversionRUSE 4
Dodge ___RUSE 4
Fake outRUSE 4
FlimflamRUSE 4
It's a trickRUSE 4
JuggleryRUSE 4
MachinationRUSE 4
Misleading moveRUSE 4
Put-up jobRUSE 4
Red herring?RUSE 4
Scammer's ployRUSE 4
ShenaniganRUSE 4
Sleight of handRUSE 4
Slick moveRUSE 4
Slick trickRUSE 4
Sly stratagem with 4 letters
Sly stratagemRUSE 4
Sly strategemRUSE 4
Sly tacticRUSE 4
Sly trickRUSE 4
Smoke screenRUSE 4
Sneaky moveRUSE 4
Sneaky planRUSE 4
Sneaky ployRUSE 4
Sneaky schemeRUSE 4
Sneaky tacticRUSE 4
StratagemRUSE 4
StrategemRUSE 4
SubterfugeRUSE 4
Trick ___RUSE 4
Tricky maneuverRUSE 4
Tricky playRUSE 4
Tricky pretenseRUSE 4
Tricky tacticRUSE 4
Underhand ployRUSE 4
Wily subterfugeRUSE 4
Wily trickRUSE 4
Trojan Horse, e.g.RUSE 4
Artful Dodger?RUSE 4
The Trojan horse, e.g.RUSE 4
PloyRUSE 4
WileRUSE 4

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