tools and articles for letters and words

Lexulous Cheat

The Lexulous Cheat supports you to find different words from letters for Lexulous and other word games like Scrabble® and Words with Friends. Below, you find a quick guide for it.

up to 9 characters
up to 15 characters
last pattern
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How to operate with the Lexulous Cheat? First, you only need to type in the letters you want to form words with. Second, optimize the results by using a pattern where the results should fit into or choose the search options like the number of blank tiles. For more detailed information for the Lexulous Helper you can also visit the instructions of our Scrabble® Helper.

Highlighted results

In our Lexulous Cheat blanks and letters from the pattern within the result table were highlighted. Green letters and underlines mark the blanks and white letters on a brown rectangle mark the letters from the pattern.

Lexulous Cheat Quick Guide

letters: simply insert the letters you want to generate words with

By using a white space or dot you can shift the blank selection whether you need one or two blanks. When you set a third white space or dot the selection will move back to zero.

pattern: match the results to a specific situation on the Lexulous board (optional)

symbols for the pattern field:

  • a-z for letters on your rack
  • . (dot): empty square on the board
  • 2 : empty square with double letter score
  • 3 : empty square with triple letter score
  • 4 : empty square with double word score
  • 5 : empty square with triple word score

Please note, that if you use patterns, the results will be no longer than the number of characters you entered into the pattern field. So you can limit the length of the results by using a number of dots.

Click here for an example and more information on the Lexulous Cheat or have a look at this tutorial for more information on the pattern field.

Do you need more word generators like the Lexulous Cheat? Click here!