"What is : not found – Crossword-Clue
Is that what you meant?
''What is your answer?''
"And what is ___ . . . ?"
"And what is ___ . . . ?": Lowell
"And what is ___ as . . . "
"And what is ___ as a . . . ?"
"And what is so ___ a day . . . "
"And what is so ___ as a day in June?": Lowell
"Bronco Billy" co-star (wait, what is SHE doing in this puzzle?)
"Do what is right, though the world may perish" writer
"He who sells what isn't ___ must buy it back or go to prison": Daniel Drew
"Qu'est-ce que ___?" ("What is that?" in French)
"So, what ___ is new?"
"War, what is it good for" singer Starr
"Was ___ das?" (German "What is that?")
"What ___ is there?"
"What ___ Is This?"
"What ___ Is" (1988 #1 country hit)
"What _____ is new?"
"What is ___ as . . . ?"
"What is ___ as a day . . . ?"
"What is ___ is mine"
"What is ___?" (Ken Jennings's losing Final Jeopardy response)
"What is ___" (section of heart.org)
"What is it good for, absolutely nothing!"
"What Is It? A Fender Bender" Meg & ___
"What is it?"
"What Is Man?" essayist
"What is our flatware made of, Lone Ranger?"
"What is that ___?" (words to Judas)
"What is that which the breeze, ___ the towering steep ..."
"What is the sound of one hand clapping?," say
"What is the sound of one hand clapping?" e.g.
"What Is the What" author Dave
"What Is This ___ Called Love?"
"What Is to Be Done?" author
"What Is to Be Done?" pamphleteer
"What Is to Be Done?" pamphleteer, 1901
"What Is to Be Done?" proposition
"What Is to Be Done?" writer
"What is yours ___ . . . ": Plautus
12/31, initially, or what is blacked out in this puzzle
1970 #1 hit with the lyric "huh, yeah, What is it good for?"
1970 hit that asks about its title, "What is it good for?"
A: Annie Laurie. Q: What is the indefinite English ___?
A: Dr. Livingstone, I presume. Q: What is your full name, ___?
Accept whatever is available
Ancient city in what is now Turkey
Ancient city in what is now western Turkey
Ancient civilization in what is now Iran
Ancient kingdom in what is now Jordan
Ancient land in what is now Syria and Lebanon
Ball-dropping site, or what is formed by the answers to starred clues?
Beyond what is natural
Beyond what is openly said
Bible bk. that defines what is kosher
Biblical land in what is now Yemen
Choose what is choice
Do what is expected
Early dweller in what is now NW Iran
Exceeding what is appropriate
Extrapolate from what is known
First part of a riddle, following "What is ...?"
For example, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"
Gives what is due
He said: "What is truth?"
Impossibility of reconciling what is and what ought to be
Italian for "what is above"
Just what is needed
Led Zep "What Is and What ___"
Like questions of what is knowable
Meaning the contrary of what is expressed
Much more than what is required
One who gives Caesar what is Caesar's, e.g.
Onetime sponsor of what is now Minute Maid Park
Other than what is implied
Pay what is due
Pays what is due
Philosopher who asked "What is enlightenment?"
Poet who wrote "Ah! what is not a dream by day / To him whose eyes are cast ..."
Politician who said "We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it"
Provide what is needed
Regarding Obamacare, she said "we have to pass the bill so that we can find out what is in it"
Say what isn't so
Seed containing moth larva, and what is aptly hidden in each puzzle row whose clues contain asterisks
Seeing what is said
The first one was made at what is now Chelsea Market
Waning ... or a hint to what is found by circling all the T's in the completed puzzle
What "-ish" means
What "Is High" in a Blondie song
What "is" is
What is "la liaison"?
What is 1/100 of a Danish krone?
What is a gnat-like fly?
What is a sound you can't touch or see ?
What is a talesman?
What is actor Stewart Granger's family name?
What is an alternative to a golden parachute?
What is another name for a deadbeat borrower?
What is Bambi's Aunt's name?
What is cast, in a saying
What is Dudley Do-Right's girlfriend's name?
What is Dundee duo
What is Elizabeth's tennis forte?
What is expected
What is French for "huge"?
What is George Eliot's given name?
What is hopscotch called in New York City?
What is left
What is more
What is more disgusting than filthy lucre?
What is put on Basie's bed?
What is salvia?
What is so hopefully hailed in N.Y.C.
What is that in Mexico?
What is the first name of Justice Breyer?
What is the name of andy capp's wife?
What is the nature of a Q and A abroad?
What is the of Rabbit mailman on Kukla,Fran and Ollie show
What is the oldest academic quiz competition in the U.S. (since 1948)?
What is the rockie range?
What is this?
What isn't the small print?: Abbr.
When asked "What is the meaning of life?" she sometimes answers "All evidence to date suggests it's chocolate"
Worker who does whatever is needed