*Poe : 2 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
*Poe | EDGAR | 5 |
*Poe | FLATBROKE | 9 |
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__ de plume (poets' aliases) ___ Allan Poe ___ Allen Poe ___ de Arce, Spanish poet ___ de Lisle, 19th-century French poet ___ de Troyes, 12th-century poet ___ Hughes, former British poet laureate ___ Kooser, former U.S. poet laureate ___ libre (French poetic style) ___ libre (poetry style) ___ Morgue: Poe locale ___ Po, eighth-century Chinese poet ___ poem ___ Pound, poet ___ riches (poets' ploys) ___ Scott-Heron ("The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" poet) ___ Shevchenko, Ukrainian poet ___ Shikibu, Japanese poet ___ Sully Prudhomme, poet and Nobelist ___ sunt (poetic motif) ___ Van Duyn, 1991 Pulitzer-winning poet ___ Vivien, British poet known as the Muse of the Violets ___-formulaic (like Homeric poems) ___.com (e-mail address for an old poetry reader) ... the one for Peace by this "Thomas and Beulah" poet, ... ...while Henry Gibson presented satirical poetry on the 1960s comedy show "___" ''__ Heldenleben'' (Strauss tone poem) ''. . . Grecian Urn'' poet ''Amores'' poet ''Ars Poetica'' writer ''Casey at the Bat'' poet ''Charge of the Light Brigade'' poet ''Colossus'' poet ''Dead Poets Society'' director Peter ''Divine Poems'' author ''Eve of St. Mark'' poet ''Fool that I was'' poet John ''Hymn to Aphrodite'' poet ''Jerusalem Delivered'' poet Torquato ''Les Contemplations'' poet ''Love Songs'' poet Teasdale ''Lydia'' poet ''Maximus to Gloucester'' poet Charles ''Night before Christmas . . .'' poet ''Ode for __'' (Plath poem) ''Reflections on Ice-Breaking'' poet Ogden ''Spoon River Anthology'' poet's diploma? ''Tamerlane'' poet ''The Eve __ Agnes'' (Keats poem) ''To a . . .'' poems ''To a Mouse'' poet '90s U.S. Poet Laureate ___ Dove 'Annabel Lee' poet 'Annus Mirabilis' poet 'Ars Amatoria' poet 'Candy is dandy' poet 'Cats' poet 'Chicago Poems' writer 'Childe Harold' poet 'Darkness' poet 'Dead Poets Society' motto 'Divine Poems' poet 'Endymion poet' 'Enoch Arden' poet 'Filling Station' poet 'Follow Me (Kipling poem) ___' 'For whom the bell tolls ...' poet 'Give me your tired ...' poet 'In Country Sleep' poet 'In the Seven Woods' poet 'Israfel' poet 'Locksley Hall' poet 'Mid, poetically 'No man is an island' poet 'O To Be a Dragon' poet 'One-L lama' poet 'Purgatorio' poet 'Satires' poet 'Still I Rise' poet Angelou 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening' poet 'The ___' (William Blake poem) 'The Bells' poet 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' poet 'The Eve of ___' (Keats poem) 'The Idylls of the King' poet 'The Raven' poet's family 'The Seafarer' poet 'The Shooting of Dan McGrew' poet 'The Wild Swans at ___' (Yeats poem) 'Under Milk Wood' poet " . . . ___ perfumed sea": Poe " . . . ___ still a moment": Poe " . . . all seem pendulous ___": Poe " . . . and Memories of ___!": Poe " . . . Chattahoochee" poet " . . . Innisfree" poet " . . . Passion, or the ___ of the heart": Poe " . . . volume of forgotten ___": Poe "__ American Poetry" (Louis Untermeyer anthology) "__ at the Bat" (Mudville nine poem) "__ Beach" (Matthew Arnold poem) "__ Hither" (Walter de la Mare poetry anthology) "__ Lorelei" (Heinrich Heine poem) "__ O'Shanter" ("And if I chance to fall below ..." poem) "__ Saison en Enfer" (Rimbaud poem) "__ Walk": Frost poem "___ a Grecian Urn" (Keats poem) "___ a Man," John Ciardi poetry collection "___ a Nightingale" (Keats poem) "___ a perfumed sea ...": Poe "___ a seer" (Stephen Crane poem) "___ a Shepherd," poem by St. Teresa "___ American," poem by Elias Lieberman "___ and Other Poems" (Allen Ginsberg collection) "___ and the Swan" (Yeats poem) "___ and The Swan" (Yeats poem) "___ Archia Poeta" (Cicero oration) "___ Arden," Tennyson poem "___ Athlete Dying Young" (A. E. Housman poem) "___ Beauty," G. M. Hopkins poem "___ Beauty," Hopkins poem "___ being Brand" (Cummings poem) "___ Ben Adhem" (James Leigh Hunt poem) "___ Ben Adhem" (Leigh Hunt poem) "___ Carlotta," T. A. Daly poem "___ Charogne" (Baudelaire poem) "___ Ching" (classic book of Chinese poetry) "___ Coy Mistress" (Andrew Marvell poem) "___ engaged in guessing . . . ": Poe "___ Fever" (John Masefield poem) "___ Hill," D. Thomas poem "___ Hora" (Ezra Pound poem) "___ horse" (old poem) "___ in the Stilly Night," T. Moore poem "___ in the Stilly Night" (Thomas Moore poem) "___ In," Frost poem "___ joy keep you" (start of a Sandburg poem) "___ Lazuli," Yeats poem "___ Let Them Clash," Burns poem "___ like a Maelstrom, with a notch" (Emily Dickinson poem) "___ Louse" (Burns poem) "___ Love--not me" (Emily Dickinson poem) "___ Lyricae," Watts poem "___ meet again!" (poetic adieu) "___ Merrilies," Keats poem "___ Mother," Poe poem "___ my Annabel Lee" (Poe) "___ my destiny be Fustian" (Dickinson poem) "___ Myself," Whitman poem "___ Not Seen the Sun": Dickinson poem "___ Odes" (classic work of poetry) "___ Passes" (Browning poem) "___ perfumed sea": Poe "___ Poetry Jam" "___ Promise," Dawson poem "___ Promise," Dowson poem "___ Ride," 1865 poem "___ Rob," poet Burns "___ Sepolcri" (Ugo Foscolo poem) "___ Shanter," Burns poem "___ Sleep Comes Down to Soothe the Weary Eyes" (Dunbar poem) "___ Solitude" (Pope poem) "___ Stallion," Jeffers poem "___ star was glintin out aboon" (old poem start) "___ the Body Electric" (Whitman poem) "___ the last rose of summer" (start of a Thomas Moore poem) "___ the last rose of summer" (Thomas Moore poem starter) "___ Thou Now, O Soul" (Walt Whitman poem) "___ Time," Roethke poem "___ to a Nightingale" (John Keats poem) "___ to Abelard" (Pope poem) "___ to Joy" (Schiller poem) "___ to My Socks" (Pablo Neruda poem) "___ Tombs," Sandburg poem "___ Turannos": E.A. Robinson poem about a complex marriage "___ Vale," Frost poem "___ Vidderne," long Ibsen poem "___ Walks in Beauty" (Byron poem) "___ Walks in Beauty" (Lord Byron poem) "___ Went Mad": Riley poem "___ Young Dream": T. Moore poem "_____ Poems" (Sandburg's first book) "_____ Thou Now O Soul" (Whitman poem) "_____ Waterfowl" (Bryant poem) "___, dislike it" (start of Marianne Moore's "Poetry") "___, Sing America" (Langston Hughes poem) "___, Sing America": Hughes poem ". . . gently, ___ perfumed sea" (Poe) "... ___ he drove out of sight": Christmas poem line "... ___ my Annabel Lee ..." (Poe) "... a Loaf of Bread ..." poet "... flotsam? I've gotsam" poet "...gently, --- perfumed sea" (Poe) "...Slouches towards Bethlehem" poet "'___ Me?' I do not know you" (Emily Dickinson poem) "'Beauty is truth, truth beauty'" poet "'Tis all a Chequer-board of Nights and Days" poet "1914" poet "1914" poet Rupert "9. I wrote a paper in college on Poe's 'The ___' exclusively using just the footnotes!"
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