A or T : matching answer – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
A or T | MODEL | 5 |
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" . . . lie down ___ aeon or two": Kipling "Abbey" or "Tobacco" "Aida" or "Tosca" "To Autumn" or "To Spring" 1993 Brian Eno album named for an oil extracted from the flower of an orange tree A or T A6 or TT AARP or the National Rifle Association Abbey or Tobacco, e.g. Abele or teil Acacia or tulip ACTH or thyroxine Action-oriented type Actress Alba or Tandy Ad or TV VIP Afghan or Thai Afghan or Tibetan After 34-Down, an order to a witch? After 34-Down, an order to an arrowsmith? After 34-Down, an order to an E.P.A. administrator Agathe or Thérèse Al ____ (order to a pasta maker) Al or Tipper Albany or Trenton fixture Alejandro or Tony of baseball Alg. or trig. Algebra or trig Alice or Tim Allen or Tebow Allen or Torme Alley or tiger Allgood or Teasdale Allison or Tarkenton Alto or tenor Amazon and Orinoco, to natives Amethyst or tourmaline Amethyst or turquoise An author or two (5) An orchestra tunes to one An order to a helmsman An original tribe of Israel Andaman or Tasman Anise or tansy Anjou or Tyson Anna or Thomas, on "Downton Abbey" Anti-abuse org. [To see the original color version of this puzzle's unusual grid, visit sundaycrosswords.com.] Apple or tomato, e.g. Apt address for an Orlando team? Archibald or Thurmond Archibald or Thurmond of the N.B.A. Arden or Taylor, to pals Area or throw Area or throw, e.g. Arel or Tasman Ares or Thor Argo or Titanic Aries or Taurus Aries or Taurus, e.g. Armet or topee Arnie or Tiger, e.g. Arson or treason Arts' or teachers' org. Ash or trash Asimov or Turner, familiarly Aspen or Tahoe Assam or twankay Assegai or trident Astro or Teapot Atlas or Titan Autry or Tierney Autry or Tunney Average or typical man Avocado or tomato, botanically speaking Awe or Tay Aztec or Toltec Chess player Arpad or the rating system he developed Coke, as originally touted Did a baby care activity (or this puzzle's theme, literally) Emulates AZ or T.I. Genre for N.W.A. or T.I. Gives a broker an order to sell Gives an order to Hardly an orderly type Instrument an orchestra tunes to Instrument to which an orchestra tunes Kind of art or tart Legendary architect or tiny songbird Like "algae" or "termini": Abbr. Like a good argument or theory Like Alice or Tim Like aquamarine or teal Like some architecture or typefaces Mary-Kate or Ashley, or their actress sister Elizabeth NBA legend Archibald or Thurmond NBA legends Archibald or Thurmond Necessity for an organ transplant Not an original, to a dealer One actor, or two American presidents One actress, or two British prime ministers One author, or two English monarchs One TV actor, or two authors Part of an apple or the earth Pass over, along or through Place in an Orwell title Reed to which an orchestra tunes Some appliances or TVs Start for ami or ton Start of an order to an attack dog Suffix for aud or trans Suffix with arch or trick Suffix with audit or transit Top layer of an organization, typically Type of animal or tooth What an orchestra tunes to What an orchestral trapper can do With "association," legal group in Arkansas or Tennessee, for instance Woodwind used as an orchestral "tuning fork" Word before A or T Word with "American" or "teen" Word with after or through Word with any or ticket Words after all or two Words before "arms" or "the air" Words before "to be alive" or "to be back"
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