Barely : 11 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
Barely | BYA | 3 |
Barely | ATAD | 4 |
Barely | JUST | 4 |
Barely | ONLY | 4 |
Barely | ASHADE | 6 |
Barely | BYANOSE | 7 |
Barely | EDGEWISE | 8 |
Barely | JUSTABIT | 8 |
Barely | SCARCELY | 8 |
Barely | BYAWHISKER | 10 |
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__ out a victory (barely wins) ___ close second (barely lost) ___ hair (barely) ___ out (barely accomplished) ___ out (barely achieving) ___ out (barely beaten) ___ out (barely copes) ___ out (barely coping) ___ out (barely earn) ___ out (barely get by) ___ out (barely get) ___ out (barely gets by) ___ out (barely gets) ___ out (barely got by) ___ out (barely got) ___ out (barely made) ___ out (barely make do) ___ out (barely make it) ___ out (barely make) ___ out (barely makes) ___ out (barely managed) ___ out (barely manages) ___ out (barely managing) ___ out (barely win) ___ out (barely won) ___ out (beat, barely) ___ out (gets by, barely) ___ out (made, but barely) ___ out (managed barely) ___ out (manages, barely) ___ out a living (barely get by) ___ out a living (barely got by) ___ out a living (barely makes it) ___ out a living (barely making do) ___ out a living (barely manage to survive) ___ out a living (barely manage) ___ out a living (barely manages to survive) ___ out a living (barely manages) ___ out a living (barely scrape by) ___ out a living (barely scraped by) ___ out a living (barely scrapes by) ___ out a living (barely survive) ___ out a victory (barely won) ___ out a victory (just barely won) ___ out a win (barely beat) ___ out a win (barely emerge victorious) ___ out: barely obtain ___ tracks (barely legible writing) ____ out; barely manage *Barely batted ball *Barely batted balls *Barely find room for *Triumphs, but barely 2012 Romney primary prize, barely A score, barely Accommodate, but barely Acknowledged, but just barely Add to barely, with ''out'' Ahead, barely Ahead, but barely Ahead, but just barely Arrive, but just barely Auto barely mobile? Bar mitzvah boy, barely Bar mitzvah boy, just barely Barely Barely a haircut Barely a kiss Barely a team Barely able Barely able to speak Barely able to talk Barely above average grade Barely above the ground Barely accomplished (with "out") Barely achieve (with ''out'') Barely achieved (with "out") Barely achieves (with ''out'') Barely acquiring, with "out" Barely adequate Barely adequate budget Barely adequate, maybe Barely advances Barely ahead Barely ahead in the game Barely ahead in volleyball, maybe Barely any Barely any shot Barely attain Barely audible Barely audible sound Barely beat Barely beat (with "out") Barely beat out Barely beat the clock Barely beat, at battle of bands Barely beat, in sports Barely beat, with "by" Barely beaten Barely beating Barely beats Barely beats, with ''by'' Barely beats, with "out" Barely believable Barely best Barely better Barely better than none? Barely bite Barely bite, as heels Barely bite, as someone's heels Barely bites Barely boil Barely broiled Barely brown Barely burn Barely burns Barely came out on top Barely catch Barely catches Barely catches, as the heels Barely chewable Barely chewable, as steak Barely comply Barely contain one's anger Barely contains one's rage Barely cook, say Barely cooked Barely cooked, as steak Barely defeat Barely defeated Barely defeated, with 'out' Barely defeats Barely detectable amount Barely detectable, as a pulse Barely discernible Barely discernible amount Barely discernible aroma Barely done Barely done, as steak Barely drizzling Barely earn, with "out" Barely earned, with 'out' Barely earns Barely earns, with "out" Barely eat Barely eats Barely edible fare Barely enough Barely enough to wet one's whistle Barely enough, if at all Barely fair, maybe Barely fit Barely flow Barely flowed Barely flows Barely flows through the cracks Barely gather together, as funds Barely get Barely get (by) Barely get (with "out") Barely get by (with "out") Barely get past Barely get the words out Barely get through Barely gets Barely gets (along) Barely gets (with "out") Barely gets by Barely gets by (with ''out'') Barely getting by Barely getting by, with "out" Barely getting, with "out" Barely go Barely got (by) Barely got (with "out") Barely got along Barely grilled Barely helped? Barely helping Barely helps Barely hit Barely injures in passing Barely known celebrities Barely leading Barely legible handwriting Barely lit Barely losing Barely lost Barely made (out) Barely made (with "out") Barely made a ripple in, as during a dive Barely made it Barely made it (with "out") Barely made it home? Barely made, as a living (with "out") Barely maintain Barely maintain (with "out") Barely maintaining, with "out" Barely make Barely make (out)
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