Campaign : not found – Crossword-Clue
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Is that what you meant?
___ an independent (campaigned, in a way)
___ campaign
___ campaign (dirty politics)
___ Campaign (poverty-fighting organization started by Bono)
___ inflation (campaign issue)
___ Offensive (1968 campaign)
___ Terror: Bush campaign
___ Wars (Caesarean campaigns)
... the health magazine launched a campaign to make people more ___
''__ for Boss'' ('92 campaign slogan)
'50s campaign button name
'50s campaign name
'50s campaign nickname
'50s campaign song
'50s presidential campaign name
'92 campaign issue
"___ Absolut World" (vodka campaign)
"___ Can" (2008 campaign slogan)
"___ can" (campaign slogan)
"___ Ike" ('50s campaign slogan)
"___ Ike" (campaign slogan)
"___ in '56" (old campaign button)
"___ madly for Adlai" (1952 campaign slogan)
"___ on Prop ..." (campaign sign)
"___ or Die" (P. Diddy campaign)
"___ P.C." (ad campaign)
"___ Pogo" (1950s campaign slogan)
"___ Pogo" (1952 campaign slogan)
"___ We Can" (2008 campaign slogan)
"8. When I was in the Campaign for Real-Time, I went by All-World ___ 'Big Game' Bronson"
"All the way with ___" (1964 campaign slogan)
"Ask ___" (Chrysler ad campaign featuring chairman Dieter Zetsche)
"Diary of the Sinai Campaign" author
"Dick Doesn't Just Lobby for the Tobacco Companies--He's a Client" (rejected campaign ad, 2004)
"He kept us out of war" campaigner
"How Does Sarah Stack Up?" (rejected campaign ad, 2008)
"I like ___!" ('50s campaign slogan)
"I Like ___" ('50s campaign slogan)
"I like ___" (1950s campaign slogan)
"I Like ___" (old campaign slogan)
"Imagine Peace" campaigner
"John: Model Citizen" (rejected campaign ad, 2004)
"Stop ___" (2012 viral campaign)
"Super" campaign orgs.
"The best debater since ___" (The Bush campaign on John Kerry in 2004)
"This is ___ Country" (controversial Chevy ad campaign)
"While ___ Young": USGA anti-slow play campaign
"Yes ___" (Obama's campaign slogan)
*2012 presidential campaign issue
*Bit of campaign nastiness
*Campaign from town to town
*Campaign in rural areas
*Credit company with a "Priceless" ad campaign
*Fund-raising campaign broadcaster
*Military campaign
*Neck-and-neck election campaign
*Novice in an ad campaign
50's campaign name
1860 campaign nickname
1932 Democratic campaign plank
1936 campaigner Landon
1936 campaigner
1948 campaign cry
1948 campaign name
1950s campaign nickname
1950s campaign-button name
1950s campaigner with Dick
1950s campaign name
1950s Irving Berlin campaign song
1952 and '56 campaign name
1952 and 1956 campaign name
1959 hit that was a 1948 political campaign song
1968 campaign period
1980's antidrug campaigner
1984 campaign slogan
1988 Bush campaign adviser
1990s campaigner
1992 Jerry Brown campaign proposal
1992 Clinton campaign song
1992 campaign issue
1996 campaign issue
2000 Democratic campaign slogan?
2002 Campaign Reform Act co-sponsor
2004 campaign monogram
2008 campaign slogan
2008 campaign issue
2008 campaign theme
2008 campaign word
2008 campaign chant
2008 campaigner Mitt
2008 campaign personality
2008/2012 campaign portmanteau
2012 campaign issue
2012 Obama campaign kickoff state
2012 presidential campaign topic
A lot of campaign rhetoric
Abusive campaigner, perhaps
Activist who helped found the International Campaign to Ban Landmines
Ad campaign
Advertising campaign features
Aggressive campaign targeting cell phones?
Aggressive campaigns
Alaska boondoggle in 2008 campaign news
All-too-common a campaign tactic
All-too-common campaign tactic
Alternative to "Ticket" in a highway safety campaign
Anti-war campaigns, e.g.
Ardennes-Alsace Campaign arena: Abbr.
Awards for some campaigns
Backer of Teddy's 1912 campaign
Bad sound at a campaign rally
Basis of NBC's 1990s "New to You" campaign
Begins campaigning
Big campaign fund-raiser
Big campaign mo.
Big campaign topic: Abbr.
Big month for pol. campaigns
Big pol. campaign donor
Big-time contributors to electoral campaigns
Bit of dirty campaigning
Bit of negative campaigning
Brady Campaign foe in the fight for gun control (abbr.)
Brady Campaign opponent: Abbr.
Brady Campaign opposer, for short
Brand with a "Wonderfilled" ad campaign
Broken, as campaign promises
Broker to whom "people listen," according to an ad campaign
Bush campaign strategist Karl
Busy orgs. during campaigns
Campaign '08 candidate
Campaign '08 personality
Campaign '12 name
Campaign '88 quote
Campaign (for)
Campaign 2012 name
Campaign about which Rumsfeld said in 2003 "it could last six days, six weeks - I doubt six months"
Campaign abuse
Campaign activities
Campaign activity
Campaign ad feature
Campaign ad target
Campaign ad targets
Campaign ad verb
Campaign against drug use?
Campaign against Troy, e.g.
Campaign aid
Campaign aspersions
Campaign asset
Campaign attacks
Campaign award
Campaign backer
Campaign bankroller
Campaign barometer
Campaign button name
Campaign button word
Campaign cabbie?
Campaign calumny
Campaign catch-phrase
Campaign catchphrase
Campaign catchphrase taking a siesta?
Campaign city
Campaign clashes
Campaign coffer fillers
Campaign concern
Campaign concerns
Campaign contest
Campaign contributer with deep pockets
Campaign contributor
Campaign contributor, briefly
Campaign contributor, maybe
Campaign contributor: sl.
Campaign costs?
Campaign crunch time: Abbr.
Campaign dirt
Campaign dirty trick
Campaign dirty tricks
Campaign donor gp.
Campaign donor group
Campaign donor grp.
Campaign donor, for short
Campaign effort
Campaign encapsulation
Campaign event
Campaign event and this puzzle's theme
Campaign expense
Campaign experts
Campaign face-offs
Campaign feature
Campaign feature, maybe
Campaign finance group
Campaign for election
Campaign for office
Campaign freebie
Campaign fund
Campaign fund feeder
Campaign fund grps.
Campaign fund-raising grp.
Campaign fund-raising org.
Campaign funder