Clinton's : not found – Crossword-Clue
Is that what you meant?
"Clinton's a well-known southpaw, so this exposé on his other-handed punches is an eye-opener"
"Clinton's canal"
"Clinton's ditch"
"Clinton's Ditch"
363-mile project known as Clinton's Folly
Bill Clinton, sometimes
Bill Clinton's Arkansas birthplace
Bill Clinton's Attorney General
Bill Clinton's autobiography
Bill Clinton's birthplace
Bill Clinton's Buddy, e.g.
Bill Clinton's Buddy, for one
Bill Clinton's first attorney general nominee
Bill Clinton's hometown
Bill Clinton's instrument
Bill Clinton's Interior Secretary
Bill Clinton's number two
Bill Clinton's relig. affiliation
Bill Clinton's White House pet
Canal called "Clinton's Folly"
Canal that needed Clinton's clout
Celebrity stylist who cut Hillary Clinton's hair
Clinton said he didn't do it
Clinton says he didn't do it
Clinton secretary Betty
Clinton secretary of defense
Clinton signed it on Dec. 8, 1993
Clinton spokesperson Myers
Clinton staffer Harold
Clinton staffers
Clinton successor
Clinton supported it
Clinton, slangily
Clinton's "Big Ditch"
Clinton's "My Life," e.g.
Clinton's #2
Clinton's 1996 opponent
Clinton's 1996 rival
Clinton's alma mater
Clinton's Arkansas hometown
Clinton's attorney general
Clinton's Attorney General
Clinton's birthplace
Clinton's blown it
Clinton's body
Clinton's boss
Clinton's brass
Clinton's cat
Clinton's competitor
Clinton's denom.
Clinton's department
Clinton's Ditch (canal)
Clinton's domain
Clinton's domain, once
Clinton's FBI director
Clinton's first labor secretary
Clinton's first secretary of labor
Clinton's first transportation secretary
Clinton's Folly canal
Clinton's future workroom
Clinton's group, for short
Clinton's home team
Clinton's hometown
Clinton's horn
Clinton's horns
Clinton's inagural?
Clinton's instrument
Clinton's Labor secretary
Clinton's mother was one
Clinton's musical forte
Clinton's nickname
Clinton's number two
Clinton's opponent
Clinton's opponent in '96
Clinton's opponent of 1996
Clinton's party party
Clinton's running mate
Clinton's runs
Clinton's secretary of defense
Clinton's secretary of health and human services
Clinton's Secretary of Labor Robert
Clinton's Senate predecessor
Clinton's Socks, e.g.
Clinton's successor
Clinton's transportation secretary
Clinton's V.P.
Clinton's veep
Clinton's vice president
Clinton's waterway
Clintonian section of London or Manhattan?
De Witt Clinton's "ditch"
De Witt Clinton's canal
De Witt Clinton's pet project
DeWitt Clinton's canal
DeWitt Clinton's waterway
Donna of Clinton's cabinet
Early member of Clinton's cabinet
Federico of Clinton's cabinet
Fleetwood Mac hit used in Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign
George Clinton's P-___
German sports car with Clinton's youngest cabinet member?
Hillary Clinton's alma mater
Hillary Clinton's department
Hillary Clinton's domain, once: Abbr.
Hillary Clinton's maiden name
It was Clinton's department
Leader repeatedly praised in the (doctored) Mandarin edition of Bill Clinton's "My Life"
Letters next to Clinton's name, until 2008
Like Bill Clinton's saxophone
Like Clinton's office
Like Mr. Clinton's presidency
Member of Clinton's Cabinet
Not Clinton's favorite lawyer
One of Clinton's old offices
One of Clinton's titles
Peña of Clinton's cabinet
Performer at Clinton's first inaugural ball
President Clinton's middle name
Prosecutor in Clinton's impeachment
Robert in Clinton's Cabinet
Secretary in both Clinton's and George W. Bush's cabinet
Secretary of State Clinton's address
Western terminus of Clinton's ditch
Where Clinton studied law
Where the Clintons studied contracts
William Jefferson ___ IV (Bill Clinton's name at birth)
With 36-Down, "Clinton's Ditch"
Woman in a Bill Clinton sex scandal
Writer who Ali G. mistook for Clinton's vice president in an interview