Eat : 17 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
Eat ____ | HAVELUNCH | 9 |
Eat ____ | BREAKBREAD | 10 |
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___ eaten ___ eater ___ Friday's (eatery chain) ___ Friday's (eatery) ___ home (eats in) ___ joint (place to eat, drink, and dance) ___ lunch (quits working to eat) ___ the table (get ready to eat) ___-Eaters ___-Eaters (shoe inserts) ___-eaters: "Odyssey" characters __-eater (one in a dreamy state) ''__ Eat Cake'' (Gershwin musical) ''Eat at Joe's'' gas ''Go ahead, eat!'' ''If I'm wrong I'll eat __!'' ''If man made it, don't eat it'' espouser 'Eat Pray Love' star 'Eat up!' 'Man-eater' duo " . . . ___ the eating thereof" " . . . 'I eat what ___'!": Carroll " . . . could eat ___" " . . . eat the ___ land" " . . . I eat what ___": Mad Hatter " . . . pudding ___ the eating" "___ dare to eat a peach?": Eliot "___ Eat Cake," 1933 musical "___ Eat Cake" "___ Eat Cake" ("Of Thee I Sing" sequel) "___ Eat Cake" (1930s musical) "___ eat oats . . . " "___ hungry I could eat . . ." "___ is sad" (Internet meme which involved photoshopping an actor eating a sandwich into other pictures) "___ No Longer Permitted To Use Word 'Eat' In Advertisements": Onion headline "___ we eat?" "___ what I eat" "--- dare to eat a peach?" (T.S. Eliot) ". . . his wife could eat no ___" "... and little ___ eat ivy" "... his wife could eat no ___" "... I'll eat ___!" "... or I'll eat ___!" "... pudding ___ the eating": Cervantes ".... and eat _____" "...a kid'll eat the middle of an ___ first" "...or I'll eat ___" "An animal whose eggs you'd probably never eat for breakfast." "___" "Betcha can't eat just one" chips "Betcha can't eat just one" potato chips "Can we eat?" "Coin-eating" part of a vending machine "Confessions ___ English Opium-Eater": 1821 De Quincey work "Confessions of an English ___-Eater" "Do ___ to eat a peach?" "Do ___ to eat a peach?" (T.S. Eliot) "Do ___ to eat a peach?": Eliot "Do ___ to eat a peach?": T. S. Eliot "Do ___ to eat a peach?": T.S.E. "Do I ___ eat a peach?" "Do I ___ eat a peach?": Eliot "Do I dare to eat a peach?" poet "Don't be sweet, ___ you be eaten up": start of a Jewish proverb "Don't Eat the Yellow Snow" rocker "Eat ___ chikin": Chick-fil-A slogan "Eat ___ eaten" "Eat ___ eaten" (law of the jungle) "Eat ___ Love" (Julia Roberts film) "Eat ___, Not That" (diet book) "Eat at _____" "Eat at ___" (classic sign) "Eat crow," e.g. "Eat crow" and "talk turkey" "Eat crow" is one "Eat crow" or "talk turkey" "Eat every ___ of it!" "Eat fresh!" sloganeer "Eat fresh" establishment "Eat hearty!" "Eat Here and Get ___" "Eat in" alternative "Eat my wake!" e.g.? "Eat the Rich" humorist "Eat thou not the bread of him that hath" this, according to Proverbs "Eat to live, but ___ live to eat" "Eat to live, not live to eat" penner "Eat to Win" author Robert "Eat your ___!" (mom's order) "Eat your broccoli ___ dessert!" "Eat your cookie," ___ "Eat your fill!" "Eat your heart out on a plastic ___" (Sex Pistols) "Eat, ___, Love" "Eat! Eat!" "Eat" at an abrupt red light? "Eat" at college? "Eat" at Mary's place? "Eater" of Charlie Brown's kite "Eaters of raw flesh" "Eating ___ has never given me indigestion": Churchill "Eating ___" (1982 black comedy) "Eating ___" (1982 comedy) (5) "Eating ___" (1982 dark comedy) "Eating ___" (1982 film) "Eating ___" (1982) "Eating ___" (black comedy of 1982) "Eating My Words" author Sheraton "Eats, ___ & Leaves": punctuation handbook "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" subject "Famous" company that sponsors an annual hot dog eating contest "Go ahead and eat!" "Good Eats" episode title where Alton Brown discusses lemon meringue "Ground beef is the healthiest food you can eat," e.g.? "Had enough to eat, Mr. Rockefeller?" "Hands down" and "eating crow," for two "Hang your head" and "eating crow" "His wife could eat ___" "I ___ that I eat!": Shak. "I could eat a horse," e.g. "I found a ___, which blended into the beige, but no way am I going to eat it." "I found a ___, which blended into the beige. No way am I going to eat it." "I would rather eat a golf ball than see this movie again" writer "I'll eat in port," says she "I'm not eating that!" "If you don't eat your ___, you can't have any pudding" "Jack Sprat could eat ___" "Jurassic Park" man-eater, briefly "Let __ eat cake!" "Let the Rabbit Eat ___" (mail-in 1976 cereal contest) "Let them eat cake" speaker "Let's eat!" "Make sure to eat at this amazing Cuban place in South Beach," e.g.? "Mares eat ___ . . . " "Mares eat oats and ___ eat oats ..." "Mares eat oats and ___ eat oats" "Me and ___" (Ted Leo song about eating disorders) "Never eat ___ waffles"" compass point mnemonic "Never eat more than you can lift" speaker "Oh 7, why'd you have to go and eat 9? And 6, did you help 7 out of fear? I'm shocked!" "Okay, dog, you happen to be eating my most valuable baseball card" "Please ___ Eat the Daisies" "Please Don't Eat the ___" (1960) "Please Don't Eat the Daisies" mother "Please Don't Eat the Daisies" writer Jean "Real ___ Don't Eat Quiche" "Shit-eating" expression "Sidewalk" eatery "Simple" pie eater of rhyme "Smoke-eater" "So forget ___, eat Cool J cookies" "Some ___ meat and canna eat": Burns "Start eating!" "That's enough!," to a hot dog-eating contestant? "That's good eatin'!!!" "The ___ Eaters": Van Gogh "The eating of omelets is hereafter punishable by death," e.g.? [See byline] "The Italian Eatery" "The joy of eating" brand "The Lion King" bug eater "The Potato Eaters" painter "The proof . . . ___ the eating" "The proof ... ___ the eating" "The Purple People Eater" singer ___ Wooley "The Purple People Eater" writer-performer Wooley "They'd eaten ___" "We eat ham and jam and ___ a lot" ("Knights of the Round Table" lyric) "We'll go to ___, and eat bologna..." "Weed 'em and ___: A Weed Eater Reader" (2006 Roger Welsch book) "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" actor Leonardo "When ___ eat?" "Where the ___ meet to eat" "Where the elite meet to eat," in old radio "Would you eat them in a box? Would you eat them with a fox?" asker "You're going to eat that?!" [*cross out* Children's song] Ignore the rest of the lunch I brought and just eat the fish? *Illness caused by eating Cheetos? 9 Lives eater 10,000 Maniacs "Eat for ___" 24-hour eatery, maybe 1980 text adventure that introduced the line "You were eaten by a grue" 1982 Levinson film about an eatery 1982 movie set in an eatery 1982 comedy "Eating ___" 2007 TV movie about a man-eating beast A healthy-eating advocate always ___ A kid will eat the middle of this first A kid'll eat the middle first A kid'll eat the middle of it first A kid'll eat the middle of one first A type of consumer that eats plant material Abalone eater Abalone eaters Able to eat anything, seemingly Abnormal craving to eat chalk, etc. Abstained from eating Abstains from eating Act of eating one's words Admonishment to someone eating off your plate at a Polynesian restaurant? African grass eater After-eating traditions
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