Senator : not found – Crossword-Clue
Is that what you meant?
___ Booker (Rhodes Scholar, Yale Law graduate, and New Jersey's first African-American US senator)
___ Long, Louisiana senator, 1948-87
... Senator Kennedy
''Lion of Idaho'' senator
'50s-'60s Tennessee senator
"11. Every year for Halloween I go as ___ (except for the one year I went as Senator Lieberman)"
"Sanctimonious ___" (Joseph McCarthy's nickname for Senator Symington of Missouri)
"Seduced" senator of film
"Senator Sam" of the '70s
"Square Peg: Confessions of a Citizen Senator" author
"Tell Senator Bayh to take a number"?
"The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver" comic
"The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver" quipper
*Second-generation senator from Indiana
20% of U.S. senators in 2014
36-year Senator Hatch of Utah
80% of U.S. senators, currently
90-year-old senator
100 senators e.g.
401(k) alternative named after Delaware Senator
1808 resignee as U.S. senator
1920's-40's North Dakota senator Gerald
1950s-'70s senator Ervin
1950's-70's senator Symington, for short
1960s NY senator
1970s-80s Nevada senator Paul
1970s-'90s senator Sam
1970s-'90s Southern senator
1972-97 senator Sam
1980s-'90s New York senator
1995-2013 senator from Arizona
2000s New Hampshire senator John
A Mountain State senator
A Senator from Ga.
A W.Va. senator
Abolitionist senator Charles
Admiral or Senator
Advantage sometimes enjoyed by Senators
Agent's fee U.S. Senators =
Alabama senator of the 1970's-90's
Alaska senator Murkowski
Alaska senator Stevens
Alaska Senator Stevens
Alaskan senator Murkowski
All U.S. senators until 1922
Analyst for Kings and Senators?
Arizona Senator
Arizona senator Jon
Ark. Senator's watch becomes car attachment
Arkansas senator elected in 1998
Arkansas senator's firm belief?
Astronaut-turned-senator John
Athlete/senator Bill
Attired like some senators of old
Baseball's Eddie, 1952 All-Star for the Senators
Bend a senator's ear, perhaps
Bentsen who said to Quayle, "Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy"
Big city mayor-turned-U.S. senator
Birch Bayh's senatorial son
Boring senator?
California senator and family
California senator Feinstein
California's senator Feinstein
Classic garb for senators
Colorado Senator
Colorado senator Mark
Conn. senator
Connecticut Senator
Connecticut senator Chris
Connecticut Senator Chris
Connecticut senator Christopher
Connecticut Senator Christopher
Constituent of senator Tom Harkin
Deceptive move by a Senator?
Delaware senator
Delaware senator Joseph
Delaware senator since 1973
Delaware senator who sponsored IRA legislation
Democratic senator from Oklahoma, 1979-94
Democratic senator Kefauver
Devil or Senator, for short
Dick ___, Hoosier senator since 1977
Discussion between a former Colorado senator and a '70s-'90s rock band?
Dixie senator
Dressed like a Roman senator
Each has two senators
Early South Carolina senator Thomas
Eddie of the '40s-'50s Senators
Educational grant named for a senator
Either of two former Tennessee senators
Ex-senator Alfonse
Ex-senator Bayh
Ex-senator Christopher of Connecticut
Ex-Senator from Florida
Ex-Senator from Georgia
Ex-Senator from Nebraska
Ex-Senator Hiram of Hawaii
Ex-senator Kefauver
Ex-Senator Long of Hawaii
Ex-senator Lott
Ex-Senator Lott
Ex-senator Sam
Ex-Senator Sam from Georgia
Ex-senator Sam of Georgia
Ex-Senator Sam of Georgia
Ex-senator Sam of Georgia and others
Ex-senator Trent
Ex-senator with former pitcher on time
Ex-senator's comeback?
Famed Senator of the '50s
Family of a Conn. senator
First black female senator Moseley Braun
First senator in space
Florida senator Martinez
Florida senator-elect Rubio
Florida's junior senator
Footballer Ronnie and Senator Trent
Former "Peach State" senator
Former Alaska senator Stevens
Former astronaut/senator
Former Carolina senator
Former Connecticut senator
Former Connecticut senator Dodd
Former Florida senator
Former Florida senator Martinez
Former four-term senator from Georgia
Former Georgia senator
Former Georgia senator Miller
Former Georgia senator Sam
Former Hawaii senator Hiram
Former Idaho Senator
Former Indiana senator Bayh
Former Kansas senator
Former Kansas senator who said "Life is very important to Americans"
Former Maine senator
Former Maine Senator Edmund
Former Miss. Senator
Former Mississippi senator
Former Mississippi senator Lott
Former Mississippi senator Trent
Former N.C. Senator
Former N.Y. Senator
Former Nebraska senator James
Former New Jersey Senator Jon in a 2007 auto accident
Former New York "Senator Pothole"
Former New York senator
Former New York senator Al
Former North Carolina senator Sam
Former Rhode Island Senator
Former Senator Carol Moseley ___
Former senator Daschle
Former senator Dodd
Former Senator Dodd
Former senator Feingold
Former senator for whom Georgia Tech's School of International Affairs is named
Former Senator from Hawaii
Former Senator from Mass.
Former Senator Herb of Wisconsin
Former Senator Jesse from North Carolina
Former Senator Kefauver
Former senator Lott
Former senator Sam
Former Senator Sam
Former senator Stevens
Former Senator Thurmond
Former senator Trent
Former senator who did Viagra commercials
Former senator who made a brief appearance in "Wordplay"
Former senator who made rounds?
Former senator who's on the board of directors at GE and Coke
Former six-term senator from Indiana
Former Tennessee senator Kefauver
Former Tennessee senator's Halloween costumes?
Former Texas senator Phil
Former U.S. senator from Texas Phil
Former Utah senator
Former Utah senator Jake
Former Utah senator Jake who flew aboard Discovery in 1985
Former Virginia senator
Former Virginia senator Charles
Former Virginia senator Chuck
Former Washington senator ___ Gorton
Former Wisconsin senator Feingold
Four-term Massachusetts senator
Future senator who delivered the 2004 Democratic convention keynote address
Gambling senator?
Garb for an old senator?
Garb for ancient senators
Garb for senators
Georgia ex-senator Sam
Georgia senator ('72-'97)
Georgia Senator Sam
Georgia Senator until 1997
Georgia's senator
Get away from the senior senator from Utah?
Get rid of the senior senator from Missouri?
Goal of a senatorial campaign
GOP senator's vote on anything that would in any way make Obama look good