large : 9 answers – Crossword-Clue
clue | answer | length |
Large | BIG | 3 |
___ large | WRIT | 4 |
Large | EPIC | 4 |
___ large | BYAND | 5 |
Large | GREAT | 5 |
Large | JUMBO | 5 |
Large | MACRO | 5 |
Large | ROOMY | 5 |
Large | SIZEABLE | 8 |
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__ of Chicago (world's largest food festival) ___ Bay, largest Oregon Coast city ___ bean (lima's larger lookalike) ___ bomb (nickname of the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated) ___ cava (large blood vessel) ___ cava (large vessel to the heart) ___ cavae (large veins) ___ cavae: large blood vessels ___ dragon (large lizard) ___ dragon (largest living lizard) ___ dragon (world's largest lizard) ___ drugs (bacterial treatment largely replaced by antibiotics) ___ es Salaam (Tanzania's largest city) ___ fruit (large tangelo) ___ initial: large-type first character of a book chapter ___ Island (site of New York City's largest jail facility) ___ knife (large-blade weapon) ___ Lachaise (Paris's largest cemetery) ___ large ___ large extent ___ Miguel (largest Azores island) ___ Miguel (largest of the Azores) ___ Miguel (Largest of the Azores) ___ Miguel, largest island of the Azores ___ monster (large lizard) ___ monster (large southwestern US lizard) ___ Observatory, site of the larger Hale Telescope ___ of large numbers (statistics topic) ___ Room (largest room in the White House) ___ Sad (Serbia's second-largest city) ___ wolfhound (large dog breed) ______Bay, world's largest fresh water archipelago ___-de-lance (large pit viper) " . . . a large ___ his stew" "___ at Large," 2003 Fox sitcom "'Bout this large" "A burger, fries and a large Coke," e.g. "A large nose is the mark of a witty, courteous, affable, generous and liberal man" speaker "Doctor at Large" character "Does this larger size feel more comfortable?" "Eavesdropper at Large" author "Geraldo at Large" host "Large in the ___" 311 "Large pepperoni with extra cheese," e.g. *Comforter-and-sheets set for a large mattress, say *It's pitched for a large audience *Large Arctic whale *Large emigration *Largest port in NW Africa *Russia's is the largest in the world 1,000 large calories 3rd largest state 20th-cen. largely female labor org. 20th largest island in the U.S. 1975 thriller shot largely on Martha's Vineyard 2000 film told largely in reverse chronological order A dispiritingly large amount of e-mail A large amount A large constellation A large gathering of people A large ISP and search engine A large number A large one indicates diversity A large one may be named A large one offers many courses A large order A large part of a waitress's income A large part of Mongolia A large quantity A larger number of A little larger than a double bed A prima donna has a large one A very large number Abnormally large, in combinations Academic resumes or large pharmacy chain Acquires in large amounts Act larger than life Add in large amounts Add-on for a large party's tab Aden is its largest city Adjusted for a larger group, as a recipe Africa's largest capital city Africa's largest city Africa's largest country Africa's largest desert Africa's largest land Africa's largest nation Africa's largest nation in area Africa's largest nation, areawise Africa's seventh-largest country Africa's third-largest country After the moose and elk, it's the largest of its kind Aid for a large-group photo Alberta's third-largest city, named after an animal Algeria's second largest city Algeria's second-largest port America's largest city in area America's largest retailer An example of Emeril's largesse? 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By and large By area, the third-largest country in the E.U. By surface area, second-largest Great Lake C.W. Post is its largest campus California's largest inland city California's largest univ. Canada's largest brewery Canada's largest city Canada's largest Indian tribe Canada's largest native tribe Canada's largest petrol company Canada's largest prov. in area Canada's largest province Canada's third-largest city Canada's third-largest prov. Capital and largest city of Laos Capital largely surrounded by high clay walls Capital of the third largest country in South America Car for a large family Carriages with large wheels Cartoon girl with a loud voice and large eyes Casablanca is its largest city Celeb with a large following Celestial object with a large red shift Celestial object with large redshifts Central America's largest nation, areawise Ceres is the largest Certain large couch Certain large fruit Certain large sheet Charon is its largest moon Chateau ___ Michelle: world's largest Riesling producer Chichi-___ (largest of Japan's Bonin Islands) Chihuahua's larger relative China's largest city China's largest ethnic group
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