tools and articles for letters and words

Answer AVERS – Crossword Puzzle Solver

HoldsAVERS 5
ClaimsAVERS 5
_____ StatesAVERS 5
SwearsAVERS 5
"Says ___?"AVERS 5
AffirmsAVERS 5
AssertsAVERS 5
Says soAVERS 5
Maintains with confidenceAVERS 5
Declares to be trueAVERS 5
States confidentlyAVERS 5
States unequivocallyAVERS 5
CertifiesAVERS 5
Comes out withAVERS 5
ConfirmsAVERS 5
DeclaresAVERS 5
MaintainsAVERS 5
ProfessesAVERS 5
Says assuredlyAVERS 5
Says it's soAVERS 5
States as factAVERS 5
States firmlyAVERS 5

Using the Tool

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