tools and articles for letters and words

Answer IDIOM – Crossword Puzzle Solver

Firing on all cylinders, e.g.IDIOM 5
Hard-to-translate phraseIDIOM 5
It shouldn't be taken literallyIDIOM 5
Kick the bucket, for exampleIDIOM 5
Language learner's challengeIDIOM 5
Language learner's hurdleIDIOM 5
Language student's problemIDIOM 5
Many a long crossword entryIDIOM 5
Native speaker's languageIDIOM 5
No laughing matter, e.g.IDIOM 5
One concern of a grammarianIDIOM 5
Toughie for a language learnerIDIOM 5
Tough phrase for an interpreterIDIOM 5
Tough phrase for foreignersIDIOM 5
You shouldn't take it literallyIDIOM 5
A common expressionIDIOM 5
A manner of speakingIDIOM 5
Bite the bullet, e.g.IDIOM 5
Characteristic styleIDIOM 5
Colloquial phraseIDIOM 5
Cut to the chase, say with 5 letters
Cut to the chase, sayIDIOM 5
Dialect of a peopleIDIOM 5
Dialect of a regionIDIOM 5
Down in the dumps, e.g.IDIOM 5
Down in the dumps, sayIDIOM 5
Feel blue or see redIDIOM 5
Figure of speech?IDIOM 5
Get one's goat, e.g.IDIOM 5
Go for broke, e.g.IDIOM 5
Hit the ceiling, e.g.IDIOM 5
Hit the ceiling, sayIDIOM 5
Hit the hay, sayIDIOM 5
Hit the road, sayIDIOM 5
Hit the sack, e.g.IDIOM 5
Immigrant's hurdleIDIOM 5
It's not literalIDIOM 5
Language peculiarityIDIOM 5
Lingo or dialectIDIOM 5
Linguistic peculiarityIDIOM 5
Linguistic quirkIDIOM 5
Local language, sayIDIOM 5
Local way of speakingIDIOM 5
Manner of expressionIDIOM 5
Manner of speakingIDIOM 5
Non-literal expressionIDIOM 5
One is "easy as pie"IDIOM 5
Peculiar expressionIDIOM 5
Peculiar speech formIDIOM 5
Philologist's interestIDIOM 5
Phrase-book entryIDIOM 5

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