set length and letters 2345678910+ remove filter▲ length12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 Answer RBIS – Crossword Puzzle Solver clueanswerlength12 of these is the single-player record for an MLB gameRBIS 4 78-Across's 1,860, brieflyRBIS 4 "___ Lama Ding Dong" (1961 hit)RBIS 4 You can get no more than four of these at a timeRBIS 4 One of them is hidden in 17-, 25-, 30- and 45-AcrossRBIS 4 A bases-loaded triple earns you threeRBIS 4 Banks had many in the '50s and '60sRBIS 4 Diamond stat, incorrectly but commonlyRBIS 4 The three on a bases-loaded tripleRBIS 4 You can get four, max, with a big hitRBIS 4 Ballpark figures, brieflyRBIS 4 Cleanup hitters' forte (abbr.)RBIS 4 Grand slam quartet, brieflyRBIS 4 Homer's earnings, briefly?RBIS 4 Men driven home, brieflyRBIS 4 No. 4 hitter's specialtyRBIS 4 Results of cleanup work?RBIS 4 Results of some sacrificesRBIS 4 Slugger's successes, brieflyRBIS 4 Stat for getting people homeRBIS 4 Stats for cleanup hitters with 4 lettersStats for cleanup hittersRBIS 4 The most from one hit is fourRBIS 4 What pitchers hate to give upRBIS 4 Stats first tracked by the Buffalo BisonsRBIS 4 A grand slam earns four: Abbr.RBIS 4 Baseball stat for which Hack Wilson holds the most for a single seasonRBIS 4 Aaron got 2,297 of themRBIS 4 Aaron specialtiesRBIS 4 Ballpark figure?RBIS 4 Ballpark figures?RBIS 4 Baseball card statRBIS 4 Baseball card statsRBIS 4 Baseball-card stats.RBIS 4 Baseball scoring statsRBIS 4 Baseball slugging statsRBIS 4 Baseball tallies: abbr.RBIS 4 Batter's stats (abbr.)RBIS 4 Box-score entriesRBIS 4 Cleanup hitter's goalsRBIS 4 Cleanup hitter's statsRBIS 4 Cleanup hitters' statsRBIS 4 Clean-up man's forteRBIS 4 Clutch hitters' fortesRBIS 4 Clutch hitter's statRBIS 4 Clutch hitter's statsRBIS 4 Diamondback statsRBIS 4 Diamond production?RBIS 4 Driving-home resultsRBIS 4 Driving-home statRBIS 4 Fantasy baseball statRBIS 4 1234>>Using the ToolVisit the instruction to find out more about this tool.