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Answer SETTLER – Crossword Puzzle Solver

ArbiterSETTLER 7
PioneerSETTLER 7
Attorney, at timesSETTLER 7
Colonist, for oneSETTLER 7
Early inhabitantSETTLER 7
Frontier homesteaderSETTLER 7
One who's on the wagon?SETTLER 7
Voortrekker, for oneSETTLER 7
ColonistSETTLER 7
ColonizerSETTLER 7
Frontier figureSETTLER 7
Frontier personSETTLER 7
Home-steaderSETTLER 7
HomesteaderSETTLER 7
Homestead manSETTLER 7
ImmigrantSETTLER 7
New arrivalSETTLER 7
Pilgrim, e.g.SETTLER 7
Pioneer, e.g.SETTLER 7
Pioneering sortSETTLER 7
Figure in old WestSETTLER 7
One at Roanoke, e.g.SETTLER 7
Early WesternerSETTLER 7

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