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Answer SPURNS – Crossword Puzzle Solver

ScornsSPURNS 6
RebuffsSPURNS 6
RejectsSPURNS 6
Gives the cold shoulderSPURNS 6
Rejects, as a loverSPURNS 6
Rejects disdainfullySPURNS 6
Rejects scornfullySPURNS 6
Rejects with contemptSPURNS 6
Rejects with disdainSPURNS 6
Treats contemptuouslySPURNS 6
Turns (away from)SPURNS 6
Turns down, as advancesSPURNS 6
Brushes (off)SPURNS 6
Cold-shouldersSPURNS 6
DismissesSPURNS 6
Pushes awaySPURNS 6
Turns awaySPURNS 6
Turns down?SPURNS 6

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