set length and letters 2345678910+ remove filter▲ length12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 Answer TWEET – Crossword Puzzle Solver clueanswerlengthgive every1 a super quick update on what ur doing at the moment (w/ a lot of abbrs) because u only get 140 characters, and that's really not eTWEET 5 140-character messageTWEET 5 140-or-less messageTWEET 5 ChirpTWEET 5 "Rockin' Robin" chorus wordTWEET 5 "Rockin' Robin" refrain wordTWEET 5 ChirrupTWEET 5 Online communication of 140 characters or fewerTWEET 5 Online status update limited to 140 charactersTWEET 5 Brief message read by one's followersTWEET 5 Comment in 140 characters or fewerTWEET 5 Communicate in 140 characters or lessTWEET 5 Message in 140 or fewer charactersTWEET 5 Message limited to 140 charactersTWEET 5 Type of message first sent in 2006TWEET 5 Use 140 characters max, in a wayTWEET 5 Brief statement, by necessityTWEET 5 Certain follower's readingTWEET 5 Communicate in 140 charactersTWEET 5 Missive that's not massiveTWEET 5 Post a modern status update with 5 lettersPost a modern status updateTWEET 5 Send a brief message, nowadaysTWEET 5 Sing like the birdies singTWEET 5 What a little bird told meTWEET 5 Baby bird's noiseTWEET 5 Bit of bird banterTWEET 5 Brief cybercommentTWEET 5 Call from a nestTWEET 5 Canary's commentTWEET 5 Canary's statementTWEET 5 Cry from a nest?TWEET 5 High-frequency soundTWEET 5 High-pitched soundTWEET 5 Limited-size postTWEET 5 Little bird's soundTWEET 5 Message since 2006TWEET 5 Modern cybermessageTWEET 5 Nestling's noiseTWEET 5 Parakeet commentTWEET 5 Pipe from a nestTWEET 5 Posting with a hashtagTWEET 5 Send a short messageTWEET 5 Short online postingTWEET 5 Short, shared messageTWEET 5 Sing, like a canaryTWEET 5 Small bird's chirpTWEET 5 Social media nuggetTWEET 5 Sound from an aviaryTWEET 5 Sound from a nestTWEET 5 Sound from the birdcageTWEET 5 12>>Using the ToolVisit the instruction to find out more about this tool.