Word-grabber.com always tries to present new word games where you build words from letters like Scrabble or Words with Friends. The other day we came across a game we have never heard of called Word Mole. Word Mole is most likely familiar to BlackBerry smartphone users since it is one of the most played games for BlackBerry devices. Unfortunately, there is no Word Mole online game available. But recently the Word Mole game has been released for iPhone due to its great success. Maybe this is a chance for word-grabber.com to learn more about this phenomenon.

What is Word Mole?
Word Mole is a word game which focuses on a little mole and his garden, which is divided into 36 sections. Each section contains a letter. All letters can be used to form words and earn points. You have to try to form a word using letters directly above, below or next to each other. If you do it this way, you will receive updated sections which can be used to make words with these letters. There is also the possibility to use words that are not directly above, below or next to each other. This leads to holes in your garden though. To get rid of those nasty holes just try to use a letter that is beside a hole when making another word. Players can choose between a single-player game and a multiplayer game.
Word Mole Single-Player Version
If you need a bit of distraction while working at the office or waiting for a bus and you like to make words from letters, the single-player version of Word Mole is the perfect game for you. To complete a level in a single-player game, you always have to achieve a certain score. There is also a timeframe in which you have to achieve that score.
Word Mole Multiplayer Version
To get in contact with other players who are as crazy for Word Mole as you are, we recommend the multiplayer version of Word Mole. In multiplayer games you compete against other players without time pressue. A nice feature is the ability to chat with your opponent while playing Word Mole. Unlike in single-player version of the game, you can earn awards for certain achievements in the multiplayer version. These are, for example awards, for submitting the longest word or receiving the least number of holes.
Scoring in Word Mole
There are different ways to receive points by making words from letters Word Mole provided. You not only get more points for the longest words, but also for using less common letters. If you are very fast and don’t need all the time allowed, you receive extra points for that as well.
Word Mole Bonus Letters
You have a special watering can in your garden. This is to grow so-called vegetable bonus letters. Using these vegetable bonus letters in a word earns you extra points. To gain even more of these extra points, multiple vegetable bonus letters have to be used in a single word. Before you can grow vegetable bonus letters and put them into play, you have to fill them with water. Do this simply by using water bonus letters in a word. Additionally, star bonus letters gain extra points and time bonus letters gain extra time.
Word Mole on Android
We wanted to give Word Mole a try on our Android systems. There are many external pages offering Word Mole for Android, but none of them actually worked for us. There is also no reference to Word Mole in the official Android Market Place. We are not sure if there ever was a working Word Mole Android version or if it was just an attempt to get attention from those people searching for it. If you should get lucky and find a working Android version, please write us.
Word-grabber.com wishes you good luck finding words on Word Mole and if you are searching for alternative word games have a look at our word game article section.
i like and want to play this game.
Hi wayne,
we like it too, but it looks like there is no one transfering it from Blackberry to another platform 🙁
dont suppose you know if iPhone users can play multiplayer with blackberry users?
Hi Miles,
the version of Word Mole for iPhone (Earth Eagle INC.) we tested is not even playable in a multiplayer mode. However, since there is no official iPhone version provided by the developers of the original Word Mole it should not be possible to play against Blackberry users. If you find different information please stay in touch!
i love this game<3
like the game so much
Lost my blackberry going through world mole withdrawal
Heads up and good luck!
I deleted word mole so how can I get it back
Hey Mir,
first you have to check Options > Advanced Options > Applications to find out if Word Mole really is lost. If it’s completely deleted reinstall your Backberry Operating System and select Word Mole during the installation progress.
Alternatively you can use the Desktop Manager on your PC (assuming it is installed) to add the app to your phone again.
Good luck!
hi Phillipp i like games like these but now i would be much happier if you could consider word mole for nokia smart phone aswell i am using E63 now but i really need this game.
We only present word games, still do not develop them. Thus I am afraid we won’t have influence on this. Sorry Nosiphiwo.
I really enjoyed the game infact I love it.
me and dad play tis games all the tme nd ita s soo much fun to play our higest score is 3000 love it<3
dude this is seriouslyan awesome game you should play it
Can you get to Word Mole to suggest making it available online for a free download to pc? This was an incredible, addictive game and great for brain exercise!!!!
Hi Thea, we have tried to contact them, but without success. We recently checked Mole Word, a Word Mole clone. It is not available for PC, but for some other platforms than just Blackberry.
my score is 9630 🙂
I love d game and I want it on my phone.
My Highest level is 33 and My Highest Score is 10.352.
This was great 😀
Hi there.
Love this game. This is the last thing I do every evening before falling off to sleep is play a game or 2.
I wld like 2 have it back on my phone,my child deleted it and my highest score was 14890.please someone help
Hi tia, depending on the phone you are using you might find a link to install Word Mole in our Word Mole for iPhone review.
Pingback: Free Game Word Mole | App Dowload Slava
can i play this game on a pc?
Unfortunately, I don’t know any Word Mole clone for PC.