Since last week,, the Spanish version of is online. If you’d like to use the tools you find here with Spanish words, please don’t hesitate to visit the Spanish Scrabble Helper.
Finally a Spanish Scrabble Helper
I was carrying the idea of a Spanish Scrabble Helper since I enroled into a Spanish online course a while ago. I didn’t really finish it due to so many other things I need to do here on, but started to get an idea of Spanish and was always happy when I understood a Spanish word when I read it somewhere. Knowing just a few sentences in Spanish is surely not enough to translate a complex website like this one. I definitely needed help. Easier said than done, because in my region there are not a lot of Spanish native speakers.
Good things come…
As I mentioned, and its tools became a quite complex site and I wanted the translation to be perfect. Even I had problems to find every word in the code and so I wasn’t able to give everything to a translator to have it been translated at once. I also wanted someone beside me to discuss the basics of this translation, like the domain (I am proud of, because palabras = words). Also naming the word tools is more than just translation. Things need to be researched, discussed, researched again, etc. So this is why it took me and the translator a while to implement the Spanish word finder.
We started with as little as the basic word tools, like the Spanish Scrabble Helper (Ayuda Scrabble). Finding and translating all the options and messages took several month, because everyone also had other things to do. So starting with the most basic things made totally sense. If people like it, I can start adding news and articles like you can find here on at any time.
Just try
If you speak Spanish and would like to try a Spanish word finder, please head over to You can leave me feedback on anything right there through the feedback form or comment on this article. But please, be so kind and write in English, so I don’t have to run back and forth with a dictionary or calling my translator 😉
I would like to have a Spanish crossword grabber to enhance my vocabulary in doing my words. Thank you Gloria