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Word Mole high scores and points

created on by  in Mobile word games
16 Comments 16

There are different ways to receive points playing Word Mole. First, try to think of as many words as possible that can be build with the given letters. Then form long words since you will receive more points for long than for short words. If you are fast you can also form as many short words as possible.  You not only get more points for the longest words, but also for using less common letters. If you are very fast and don’t need all the given time, you receive extra points as well.

Try to use letters that are next to each other, above, or under each other to avoid holes in your letter garden. To train your ability of finding long words in your letter garden use our letter sorting tool and find out which words can be build out of your given letters. Simply write down a list of words that you can think of and compare it to our proposed results.

Not only your skills determine your success in Word Mole. Different kind of bonus letters can help you boosting your Word Mole high score:

Vegetable Bonus Letters

You have a special watering can in your garden. This is to grow so-called vegetable bonus letters. Using these vegetable bonus letters in a word earns you extra points. To gain even more of these extra points, multiple vegetable bonus letters have to be used in a single word.

Water Bonus Letters

Before you can grow vegetable bonus letters and put them into play, you have to fill them with water. Do this simply by using water bonus letters in a word.

Time Bonus Letters

Time bonus letters gain extra time. This will take the speed out of your game and gives you more time to think. Sometimes less pressure can do miracles.

Star Bonus Letters

Additionally, star bonus letters gain extra points.

Word Mole high scores

Using bonus letters and following the hints from the beginning of this article your Word Mole high score can accelerate skywards. In our Word Mole FAQ article eleanor posted her current high score: 31228- level 56. Tell us your high score and level to get an impression of how good people can score on Word Mole by commenting to this article.

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image sources

  • Word Mole: © Earth Eagle INC. /

16 Responses

  1. I have been playing for quite some time and my high score is 34,895. I have got to level 69.

  2. I’ve beenn playing o my Iphone for 3+ years and can’t seem to get past level 62,63 and 28000 points. My question is: How is the current I-phone high score posted in excess of 1,500,000? This seems impossible. Am I missing something?

  3. Thanks! – I guess the German version – although there are a number of wonderful words the program just doesn’t seem to know – offers some advantage over English allowing for haphazardly composed words such as “Scheinwilder”, “Dortsache”, “Quizwut” etc. ;-))

  4. Hi, is there any way to save your last succesful level or you have to restart anyway from the beginning once you fail…

  5. Hi…. Use it to help me retrain my brain following a stoke in 2009. My highest is
    41144 not sure of the level but think it was in the 70’s


  6. Hello,

    Can someone list strategies for word mole? If you use a star and a yellow vegetable and. Water sign in one word, do you get credit for all? How many pts do you get for each?


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