I love doing handicraft stuff like drawing, knitting and sewing – and I just came up with the idea of sewing my own little chum! It would be a perfect Christmas present for any Word Chums fan! Here I am going to show you my first try. It’s not totally perfect, but I think it’s quite nice.
Here’s What You Need for Your Word Chums Christmas Present

I used yellow and orange felt and black wool for the Quacky Chum. As you can see, I printed an XXL version of little Quacky to get the right proportions.
How to Make a Word Chums Plush Toy – Step by Step

I cut out the print of the Word Chums duck and marked the outlines.

Of course I did the same with Quacky’s beak and feet.

I cut several parts and first I sewed the beak onto the body and embroidered the little smile.

The eyes are very important, so I carefully drew them directly onto the felt…

… and then I embroidered them with the black wool.

Now it looks like the Word Chums toy is almost ready, but the parts have to be sewn together of course. At this point I noticed a little mistake: I had planned to add the wings and the hair at the end. But at this point I saw that this makes no sense. So if you plan to design a Word Chums Christmas present too, I’d recommend that you add these parts to the big body part in Step 1.

Sew the parts together and leave a hole, because the duck needs to be stuffed.

If you love knitting too, you might know that after every knitting project a little left over wool remains unused. This wool is just perfect to stuff you Word Chums toy.

I am almost ready! Only a few stitches left to go…

With this self-made present you are ready for Christmas with Word Chums!
More Word Chums Christmas Presents
If you are all thumbs, you might not be keen to sew a Word Chums toy. But luckily, there’s a Word Chums fan shop with T-shirts and, as you might know, you can always give some lovely Word Chums gear to your opponent in the game!
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