When you install the Word Chums app and start playing, you receive a free pocket full of coins, hints, and letter bombs. As a beginner you will of course use them up quickly and soon the question will arise: How do I get more XP and coins? In my prior Word Chums Help article I taught you some Word Chums strategies. First, I explained to you how to find good spots for your words. Then I gave you tips on how to use your hints and letter bombs efficiently (Read my first Word Chums Help-article here). This article will deal with the third subject: How do I get more XP and coins?
Word Chums Help No. 3: Get XP and Coins
Maybe I should explain something first: What exactly are XP and coins? XP stands for “experience point”. You will see that your XP increases quickly, because for every word you get as much XP as points. When you have reached a certain amount of XP, you will reach a higher level. It’s a little harder to get coins. Here, only the number of letters used in a word counts. I will show you an example:

The crux is: Your XP can be mega high and it indicates to your opponents how much you’ve already played. But it won’t help you much if you have no coins. You need coins to buy gear and to get hints and letter bombs. Of course, this is a clever trick thought up by the Word Chums creators to get you buying coins with real money. But if you are not ready to do this, check out my tips!
1. XP can actually be helpful!
When I started playing Word Chums I thought that this XP stuff was totally useless. But there is one way to use XP for getting more coins. As I told you, when you reach a certain amount of XP you will reach the next level. For this step you will get 150 coins! So it’s useful to accumulate XP a little quicker. You can do that by buying and upgrading gear in the Chum Market. For example, I just upgraded the hat of my Chum (this is my avatar). This will get me 75% more XP with my next words (Of course your Chum has to wear that hat while you’re playing a word). The second way to advance through levels faster is to get an energy drink. They are also available in the Chum Market under “Boosts”. A 24-hour drink costs 100 coins, which is pretty cheap. With this energy boost, you will get double XP for every word.

2. Try to make some achievements
There is a long list of possible achievements for your Chum. To read it, tap on your Chum and choose the button “Achievements”. You can see here how many coins you will get for certain things. For example, you could get 50 coins extra if you played a word with 150 points. One thing I am still trying to achieve is the “Outstanding Game” – a game with 600 points or more. This would give me 30 extra coins. But there are also easier ways for beginners! You also get coins for looking up a word in the dictionary (just tap on a word on the board). Or try to win a game against a Chumbot (this is a computer opponent). But I have more fun playing with friends of mine and luckily, inviting friends will also be rewarded with coins.

3. Watch Videos and try other apps
While you’re waiting for your opponent to play the next word, you could watch a little video. This is a clever way the Word Chums creators have come up with to get you into watching commercials voluntarily. Go into the Chum Market, tap on “Free Coins” and choose “Video”. Here you can watch several short clips. Mostly they show you ads for other game apps and you will get 20 points per video. In this section you will also find a second way to earn coins. Click on “Offers” and download and try one of the apps. Depending on the app you chose, you will get between 5 or 1000 coins.
Word Chums Help No. 4: Our Word Chums Cheat
I hope my Word Chums Help gave you lots of good ideas to improve your skills in this entertaining mobile word game. In the end, I recommend you try our Word Chums Cheat! It has helped me out in tricky situations sometimes when I couldn’t find any good words. Just type in your seven letters and the Word Chums Cheat will show you many possible words. You can also choose a certain pattern to find a perfect word for a good space on the board (for example a spot with two word multipliers). Good luck!
I just started using word grabber.
I don’t see a number for s quadruple letter. I see quadruple word but not letter
Ease assist
Hi Mark,
we have corrected that mistake. You will see it now.