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Scrabble word list compilation

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In a recent article we dealt with the impact of luck in a Scrabble game. Of course you will hardly ever win a game if you are just lucky. Especially not a Scrabble game. This is why you should focus on improving your cognitive abilities by learning words. To help you we listed some useful Scrabble word lists that you can use to extend your vocabulary skills. Lists help you to learn words in a more systematic way. Thus, you remember them faster and better when you are playing.

Besides a good structured word list you also need a way to keep these words in mind. To do so there are two possibilities: memorizing or learning. Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages. The first one is faster, but what is the point with learning a new word without understanding its meaning? Whatever way you prefer, it is more important to start dealing with theses Scrabble word lists at all.

1. National Scrabble Association

The National Scrabble Association (NSA) was founded in 1978 and coordinates local Scrabble clubs and tournaments in North America. In 2009 it transferred many of its duties to the North America Scrabble Players Association (NASPA) and it went out of business in July 2013. On the Website of the NASPA they have a nice little feature called Word of the day. This can help you to build your vocabulary one word at a time. Each word comes with a page full of information about it and several lists of related words. However, there are also complete Scrabble word lists you can download and learn without waiting for the new day:

2. Seattle Scrabble Club

The Seattle Scrabble Club started to collect all possible links to improve your Scrabble vocabulary. Besides a list of free software study tools you can find various word lists. They provide some basic word lists, words with certain suffixes or prefixes, special themed word lists, etc. Here is a selection of some interesting Scrabble word lists:

3. Mike Wolfberg’s Scrabble Page

Mike is playing competitive Scrabble for more than 30 years now. In the 80s he was even one of the top players in Massachusetts. From 1980 through 2012, Mike has played in over 190 tournaments. He has created various word lists for others to use as study aids. Some of these you can find on his Website. This is what he provides:


 4. Word-Grabber

We are also providing word lists for Scrabble players. Up to the present we can present more than 20 main word lists. There are list for all possible words containing a certain letter, lists for words with a defined number of letters, or a list that contains all palindromes etc. Additionally, you can find sublists that contain e.g. words that contain an X and start with A, a list with words of only two letters that start with B, or a list with palindromes that start with S. Not forgetting all alphabetical lists with X, Q, SH, orY as a first letter.

But the best is, a very simple alphabetical navigation and an overview page for all word lists guides you through the plethora of words.

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image sources

  • Scrabble board: lykiana, "Scrabble" auf, CC: Some rights reserved.

One Response

  1. Ilikewordgamessyoucantelliguess, frommypickingoutscrabbleandsomeotherwordgames. ilikecrosswordsalso. butwordgamesevenbetter, theymakeyouthink. yourmindneedsthat, sometimes, whetherpeopleknowthatornot. bobbiec.

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