Here you find educational articles about words and letters, word trivia and words on Twitter.
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Articles on words and letters
There is a lot to write from the world of words and letters. Our article section covers the most interesting facts, curiosities and trivia from the world of words and letters. Find the most recent articles from our three sections: words and letters, word trivia and words on Twitter.
Our words and letters articles cover interesting facts and good-to-know explanations. Find here what is worth talking about at your next word game session.

Isograms, pangrams, palindromes and anagrams are phrases or words with letters, that are arranged in a specific way.
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Stuck with a poor selection of letters in Scrabble like QNAYSTE for example? 'How do I possibly make words with these letters?' you say? We show you some words with these letters which are possible in Scrabble.
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You are looking for the answer to a crossword clue? Try our Crossword Solver!
It`s also interesting for us to see what you search for. And often the answer is an animal. That`s why we are looking at the top five animals searched in Crossword Clues!» read more

Are you looking for the answers to crossword clues? Try our Crossword Solver!
It`s interesting for us to see what you search for. That`s why we are showing you our top five Crossword Clues and the right solutions for you!» read more

Riddle – a small word that encompasses many different kinds of puzzles nowadays. But where does it come from? And for how long has mankind had it? We will look behind the history and development of the riddle from its early beginning up to now.
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There is a lot about words and letters you probably didn’t know and didn’t need to know at all. Find the most recent articles on word related stuff that still might be of interested for you below.

Founded in 2008, National Grammar Day is coming to you on March 4th - are you prepared?
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Oxford Dictionaries has chosen only one word to describe the entirety of 2018 and it is a surprisingly good fit. We tell you everything about the Oxford Word of the Year 2018!
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On Towel Day we celebrate not only the life and work of Douglas Adams but also one of the most practical pieces of fabric in the whole galaxy!
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Isograms, pangrams, palindromes and anagrams are phrases or words with letters, that are arranged in a specific way.
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Rowing has been considered a sport for over 3500 years. Since then, legions of championships (pun intended) have emerged. Here is our special report on the team of oarsmen and/or -women!
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Sure, there are a lot of words on Twitter. This article section covers what is written about word games and word trivia. There is a lot going on so find the latest tweet and retweets below.
I just try the Sammlr app on the term "Scrabble". It shows me all related images from Twitter. So this is an always up to date and never ending presentation of Scrabble on Twitter.
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I took a short look on tweets about Scrabble and it took me some time to review this great content I found. Check it out from this post.
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Doing research for the interesting articles on, we often stumble upon a lot of other interesting websites and resources. This category gives them the space they deserve.

We met Evan Berofsky, international Scrabble player and the winner of this year’s MISO, to prize some training secrets out of the Scrabble pro and talk about his view on the North American Scrabble scene.
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The 10th MISO is played, sealed, and delivered to your home screen. Read more about the tournament, its top-ranking players, and exciting finale.
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Peggy Fehily likes to play Scrabble tournaments. Therefor she travells all aorund the world. And she wants to get more people enthusiastic for English tournament Scrabble. Her idea: etaplishing an Open Scrabble House in her café Cornwall - The Tearoom in Bad Wimpfen near Heilbronn, Germany. The Open House will start on 13th May. Read more about her idea and playing Scrabble in Germany.
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This time Gerry Carter met the 2014 World Youth Scrabble Champion: 16-year old Jack Durand from London UK, who criticized the lack of promotion of Scrabble among the youth.
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Gerry Carter had the opportunity to speak with Ahmed Abdullah Abbasi, called A-Cubed or AAA. The 26-year-old man is one of the Scrabble wunderkinds coming from Pakistan. Just read more about his path to getting involved in tournaments and his thoughts about Scrabble worldwide.
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