Until now, I presented every new feature with its own article. In addition, I answered to your questions and feedback in a monthly article. From now on, I am going to write only monthly compilations of your questions and of what happened in the last month.
choose from last pattern
May was a wonderful month for me. I started to play some new word games and had a lot of fun with them. This resulted in me using the word searches like the Scrabble Word Finder more often and discovering some new demands. The first one I already implemented was a list of the last 5 patterns you entered. I noticed, that while playing word board games or even
Words With Friends, I reuse the same patterns over and over, but needed to retype them each time. So I created a short list with the last patterns you can easily open and choose from.
author profiles
I already added author profiles some time ago, but didn’t announce them due to a bug that occurred. Now you can reach the profile of an author by clicking on his name below the articles headline. Author profiles contain the author’s picture, a small description and his recent articles. Feel free to request some additional information if you are interested in who is writing for us.
your feedback
Thanks to your feedback, I was able to fix another broken ad. I also just deleted some ads so word-grabber ist in general becoming less annoying. Still, there is a problem on some mobile devices, where the ad position isn’t fixed as it should be. This is due to different handling of this problem in different browsers. I am working on the mobile version so I might be able to fix it soon. Thanks for letting me know!
I received the suggestion to accept question marks as a marker for blanks. I personally agree, there should be some kind of shortcut to choose a blank especially from a keyboard, without touching the mouse. It is not hard to implement, so I should be able to fulfill this wish soon.
That’s it for now. I spare you some error messages or support questions here and am going to update the manual a bit.