tools and articles for letters and words

Your feedback in April

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For websites, April isn’t a busy month. A lot of visitors prefer to go outside and enjoy the first summer days instead of playing online board games or read articles on word games. For me, on the other side, this was a busy month. I was finally able to include the first online word games Alphabet Jungle and WordStone. Nevertheless, I received a lot of feedback and questions I am going to answer in this article.

problems with ads

There was a major problem with ads on bigger devices. I accidently enabled the ads for mobile devices also for desktops and due to this there was an extra ad laying above the content. This was deactivated as soon as I discovered it with the help of your feedback.

Another problem I am working on is the scrolling of mobile ads. These ads are placed at the bottom of the word search and on some devices they don’t stay there but do scroll with the screen to jump back after the scrolling finished. I am still working on a version optimized for mobile devices to fix this.


Some users are using AdBlock-plugins for their browsers. These plugin don’t only disable ads, but did also cause the word searches to not work properly and prevented the Hangman game to work at all. I had to fix it in a way that makes the site a bit slower for everyone. Please think about turning off AdBlock on, if you use it and want to support me working hard to create the best word searches.

I received some complaints about the US cities, that are tough for a lot of you. Well, they are indeed. For now, I will keep it like it is, but for those who want to learn some names they don’t know, there will be a great game option in the near future.

There was also some feedback asking for more word lists and a difficulty set. Hmn, I honestly don’t really know how to estimate difficulty levels, but with some future options you might choose your level of challenge.

new features for the word searches

I promised to raise the priority to add a “starts with” and “ends with” option to the word search, so you don’t have to deal with the pattern field to achieve results for these use cases.

Why is word XYZ not accepted by Words With Friends?

I get more and more emails asking why a specific word is not accepted by Words With Friends. There are different reasons like WwF doesn’t accept proper nouns, names or abbreviations. There is no single answer to all of your questions, but if you are totally sure your word is missing without a reason, read our article about how to suggest a word to Words With Friends.

Thanks for your feedback. For now, enjoy the sun!


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